Wednesday, April 16, 2003


we don't have to take our clothes off to have a good time

Day three of week one without Amit and we fall apart yet again.

I'm in the lab printing again, what else is new? The first print went well, and then I went to print the back side and it left ink smears all over the page. boo. I didn't think that I'd need to order more paper, but I am obviously wrong. There are 80 somthing pages of my thesis book, and I've only successfully printed out two pages on 4 sheets of paper. I'll probably order it after writing this.

I forgot to mention that I fell asleep in Grant park yesterday and now I have little red spots on my arms. Is it a reaction to grass? bug bites? I dunno, but they itch!

The funniest part about wakking up in a public place is all the little things you do right when you wake up and realize that you have been sleeping:
1)check watch
2)look to make sure all belongings are there
3)check appearence - make sure nohting is on you, everything is where it should be, etc.
4)check watch again - how long has it been? This time finally realizing that time has passed
All of this is done very slowly with a confused look.

Definitly me yesterday. Ah, and yesterday it was nice out. Sometime in the middle of the night, the temperature drops and my house was freezing. I was wondering was Josie was trying to get under the covers.

Back to digi printing.

May your day be full of surprises. Good ones.


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