Monday, May 05, 2003


b-z b*

So, it's Saturday and me and the boys are getting pictures taken for the Reader for the billboard project. I swear, by the way she is setting us up, it looks like my teacher is the lead singer and I play the god damn triangle. I cannot wait for this article. I KNOW it's going to suck.

If you want to see the website that Bri has been working on, it's called Lost and Found. (There is a permanent link to the side under billboard project.) The pictures of all the billboards were taken by yours truely, with Christie as my trustworthy spotter.

I've spent the rest of my time painting the table and chairs that my lovely little thesis book will rest upon. The table and chairs are unfinished wood, and they just soak up paint. I cannot wait to get home today and paint more! huzzah!

It really was a pretty nice weekend though, besides my above bitching. The only really bad thing is that I currently have a sore throat and I'm a little hoarse.

I gotta get outta here. I have shit load to do during the most busy week ever. Ok, thus far.

*Sorry Christie - I know that I used this in my e-mail, but I was happy that I even remembered it. It's another CDB reference for all you other peeps.


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