Saturday, July 26, 2003


Don't wake me I'm almost sleeping.

I'm at work today, and although I've only been here since noon, I feel like I have had one of the longest days ever. It's odd to think that only this morning I was consoling a mother of four that I didn't think that it was a good idea that I sold her my car.

I'm finally selling the "onda." The Onda, as it is so fondly known to me, is a 92, four door, Honda Civic that I have been driving since high school. I took my driving test in this car. It's the same car in which I was hit head on by a man named Thomas Edison (I kid you not about this. It is his name) while I was behind a stopped car at a stop sign. It is also the same car that a postal truck rear ended last summer. And that is just a few of the things that have happened to me in that car, so yes, she is a blessing and a curse.

When I was away in Vegas, I somehow scraped up enougch cash to buy myself a Jeep Wrangler. I drove it all the way home from Vegas with my mom (another story for another time). Now, I am selling The Onda, only because I feel like there is a bullseye on the car somewhere, inviting all other cars, and people, for that, matter, to hit it and hurt it in anyway possible.

So, I finally start getting calls on the car, mind you the body is in terrible condition, and of course, when I go to show it, it doesn't start. My mom claims that it won't start because "it has a broken heart," but I believe it is in pure spite that The Onda won't let me get rid of it. I actually think it hates me.

This poor woman Lily, wanted the car so bad, but I couldn't sell her a hunk of junk. She has for kids for christs sake. I don't want the car to stall on her while she's out driving.

I wanted to write more, but the Museum closes in about five minutes and I have to start closing up.

Monday, then.


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