Monday, May 05, 2003


b-z b*

So, it's Saturday and me and the boys are getting pictures taken for the Reader for the billboard project. I swear, by the way she is setting us up, it looks like my teacher is the lead singer and I play the god damn triangle. I cannot wait for this article. I KNOW it's going to suck.

If you want to see the website that Bri has been working on, it's called Lost and Found. (There is a permanent link to the side under billboard project.) The pictures of all the billboards were taken by yours truely, with Christie as my trustworthy spotter.

I've spent the rest of my time painting the table and chairs that my lovely little thesis book will rest upon. The table and chairs are unfinished wood, and they just soak up paint. I cannot wait to get home today and paint more! huzzah!

It really was a pretty nice weekend though, besides my above bitching. The only really bad thing is that I currently have a sore throat and I'm a little hoarse.

I gotta get outta here. I have shit load to do during the most busy week ever. Ok, thus far.

*Sorry Christie - I know that I used this in my e-mail, but I was happy that I even remembered it. It's another CDB reference for all you other peeps.

Friday, May 02, 2003


It's my right to be a fucking baby sometimes.

Sorry that I' haven't updated on all the shit that has been going on here. For the most part, things are settled, but as I said earlier, I still feel uneasy.

A list then , you ask? Here it is!:

1)Billboards. We had yet another meeting this Thursday where things were clarified with OCAP. They claim that they never got the full story and they always thought that it was my teacher that had thought of the idea. I honestly think that they just didn't want to know the whole story. They wanted an already established artist to give them credibility. I could be wrong, but I still have a feeling. Anyway, they told us that they would send out a new press release with the correct information. Ahh, but my distrust tells me not to hold my breath. This leads me to #2.

2)Art Fair.* Last week, after we found out about this whole billboard problem, we basically said "Fuck art fair" Our teacher wanted a website, brochures, food etc for our booth at art fair. When we thought we were screwed over, we decided to stop working on all these projects. Now that we are "Ok", all the shit is back on, and my wonderful relaxing weekend is now just a dream. boo. BOO!

3)Thesis project. It is done! well, for the most part. Tuesday, I had major reality check. I knew I only had a four page spread left to print, and figured that I could bring the book in somewhere on Wednesday to get bound. This was what I was thinking Monday night. The same night were I decided it was ok to go out and have fun with a digi lab friend of mine. Of course, I wake up and realize that there is no way in hell any place could bind a book in less than a week, so I ditched work and spent the whole day figuring shit out. I went to this bindery and found out that my pages were not printed in such a manner that binding presses could easliy bind. So after freaking out for about 10 minutes, went to the library, got a book, and bound my book all by myself on Wednesday. It wasn't that difficult to do, but it was time consuming to stitch my own book together. . . ok, I liked it. A lot.

t's been crazy this past week, but now, my book is getting it's cover on, and I can pick the whole thing up Tuesday, and things are basically settled with my teacher.

I'm still a ittle stressed out too. One more month of school. Just keep thinking that.

*Art Fair is this weekend event that takes place at Navy Pier from Friday, May 9th (when it is opened to the public) through Monday, May 12th. I believe that it costs about $25 to get in, but I'm not sure. Art Fair is a good way to see what art is out there, and especially, if you are interested in having you and your work represented by a gallery.