Friday, June 15, 2007


Hey all.

Matt and I just got back from LA Wednesday night and I feel like I need a vacation from a vacation. It was exhausting. Looking for a place to live sucks. I should have remembered the crap that we went through last time to get an apartment. Every landlord practically hands you over a baggie with your application and asks for a stool sample. That's how much information they want. We are officially "in" at our second choice, but we are trying to hold out a day or so for our number one pick just because.

Just as a reminder, the Crapple party is this Saturday. If you want to come, please let me know via comment or e-mail!


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(same pic from '04 too! and Matt looks exactly the same!!!)

Q: By golly, what is it?
A: Well, now that you mention it, it is a game where you can win wonderful prizes or . . . crap.
Q: How can I play?
A: Easy! Every half hour, tickets are drawn at random. If your ticket is picked, you have a chance at winning the good stuff or . . . crap.
Q: When does this awesome event happen?
A: Saturday, June 16. Show up any time after 8:00 pm to win prizes or . . . crap.
Q: I’d pay anything to go to this event! How much does it cost?
A: The low price of $5 includes beer, an open bar and two crapple tickets. You can purchase more tickets for 50 cents a pop! (Hey! Moving is expensive!)
Q: What are some of the prizes?
A: Games, cds, alcohol and more! And crap!
Q: Can I bring friends?
A: Bring as many peeps as you like! The more the merrier!

Tuesday, June 05, 2007


Do you have any idea what holiday I celebrated yesterday? The ladies got a lot of lovin'!

So, I've been busy. I'm working on updating my resume today - a job which I truly despise. I never know exactly how to write in "resume talk" - you know, make things seem really important and official. However, I have to update my resume today (it's really the only day I have time) and have it printed out for our trip to Los Angeles this Friday. I figured I'd get a head start in the job category by dropping of my resume and attempting to set up some interviews for July. I really, REALLY do not want to transfer to a Los Angeles Gap (which would be my saving grace if I can't get a real job between now and when we finally move) so I'm hoping this might help.

Right when we get back from our trip, we have to prepare for two parties:
1) Crapple! Remember this party from the first time we moved back in '04? Really only one big thing has changed since then: Becky and Greg are married (and no longer write on this blog, though I hope they think about it sometimes). Since I am lazy and too busy to be creative, we are using the same invite as the '04 party. Only now the address is different and the party is on June 16th. Drop me a comment if you want to come!
2) Matt's graduation party! Matt is receiving his Masters in Composition and Rhetoric from the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences from DePaul University on June 17th. We are having the whole family back at our place afterwards. It's going to be a crazy weekend!

Here are my top 5 songs from the May Gap soundtrack:
1) Sea Legs - The Shins. Matt calls this their "big bucks" song because it's on their new commercially backed album and it's more produced than other songs. I think it might be one of the best Shins songs I have ever heard.
2) Fidelity - Regina Spektor. We had "On the Radio" on the soundtrack a couple months ago which I also really liked.

3) I'm Shakin' - Rooney. I pretty much thought that these guys dropped off the planet some time back in '04 but apparently they have a new album out. Although Rooney is a little too "candy pop" for me, some songs on the album, "I'm Shakin'" and the fantastic song "Blueside" (which I wish was on the soundtrack) are really very mature songs.
4) Dashboard - Modest Mouse. I can't help but be a little disappointed that they play Modest Mouse at the Gap, but it's nice to hear a song I actually enjoy.

5) Ruby- The Kaiser Chiefs.* It's on for the second month now, but I still look forward to hearing it.

Guilty Pleasure:
I have this strange fascination with Pink for whatever reason. But she really sings so well! Anyway, I hate the fact that I like "Feel Good Time' but I do. So there.