Wednesday, December 29, 2004


A couple of nights ago, I had this dream that I was on the beach with my sister -both of us, city girls, unable to swim AT ALL - and we were walking down this large pier to watch surfers. I was trying to explain to her that it was amusing to watch surfers wipe out (although in reality, I don't find this so amusing) and then, far out in the ocean, I saw this strange, but large ocean spray that wouldn't normally happen. Anyway, I knew that something was wrong and I grabbed my sister's hand and started dragging her down the pier and away from the ocean. She was so hard to move. I hear her scream "Jenny!" (everyone in my immediate family refuses to call me anything but that) and I turn around and this huge wave was coming at us. That was the night that the tsunami hit.

I've had terrorizing dreams about the ocean since I was little - usually dreams about me swimming and getting my legs caught in seaweed or huge, ominous waves chasing me until I woke up. Sometimes I wonder why I moved so damn close to the ocean out here. At the same time that I am terrified of a body or water so huge that my mind can't even comprehend it, I find the sound of the ocean relaxing when I trail off to bed at night, or the fresh salty smell I take a whiff of every morning I walk to my car to go to work.

The thing about the tsunami that hit Indonesia is that no one expected it. Everyone just woke up, went to do their normal every morning affairs and boom, it just happened. I ran across a blog about the tsunami and how you can help out (I don't know how legit it is either), so check it out if you get a chance. Or go here to check out a bunch of different sites that are helping out victims. I feel just so bad for them. I don't have a lot of money, but I am going to donate something. It's the least I can do.

Speaking of natural disasters, Matt and I rented “The Day After Tomorrow.” The title is ridiculous. I know that the title "Two Days from Now" isn't as impending. It doesn't mean that I like it any better. The basis of the movie is that due to pollution/global warming, the Atlantic jet stream, which keeps the ocean at its current temperature - stops. I don't know or remember all the logistics. Anyway, this is basically causing the ocean temperature to drop and crating an ice age of sorts in the northern hemisphere. Matt and I coined the term "land-freeze-a-cane” due to the hurricane like appearance of the ice sweeping in. Overall the film was entertaining for what it was. It's hard to make a blizzard that exciting. The giant tidal wave that hit New York was pretty creepy, I must admit. Otherwise, the series of tornadoes in L.A. was just plain stupid. The moviemakers just wanted to destroy two major cities or I guess it just wouldn't be a good movie. I have no idea why I have gone into such a detailed description of this movie. Sorry.

It's been raining here for the past two days. I wish it looked like this right now.

One more thing. I had a nice Christmas. I had dinner at the Olive Garden on Christmas Eve. I also went bowling in a casino directly afterwards. I kid you not. My holidays get more interesting there per year. I hope everyone else had a nice holiday.

Tuesday, December 21, 2004


Nice new layout. very chic. love it.

so sorry about the delay of posting. I first wrote that life has been crazy lately but life is always crazy (I know this is very chiche), and I'm wondering how I can change. I kept using the wedding as a placeholder as in "things will calm down after the wedding" that was in july. Now its "things will calm down after the holidays" but I really don't think that they will. so its time to change. and when its time to change you've got to rearrange who you are and what you're gonna do. so overall its time to listen to the brady bunch.

that's my vent for today.

On a lighter note part of the craziness after the holiday's involves a trip to LA to visit friends! yay!!

Monday, December 20, 2004


Yestrday, I was eating lunch at the cafe near my work and this man, oh, I'd guess early 40's - even though I am a terrible judge of age - wearing these tight black jeans, a flannel shirt (it was 80 degrees yesterday) with a comb over to cover his balding spot, sits at a table near me and kicks his feet up. He makes a call on his cell phone and when the other person answers he says, "Hey Rocker!" Although I might be wrong about this, my guess is that the person he was talking to was neither named rocker or was an actual rocker. The thing about LA that still continues to amaze me is no matter how old you are in this city; you always act like you are in your 20's. It not just a handful of people, it is the majority. This can be seen as good. It means people are more open minded, more young at heart. Of course when you see an older woman wearing spandex and way too much red lipstick, this can also be seen as a bad thing.

I was sick this weekend. Well, still am sick but feeling much better. I thought I could make it through the whole year without having any major sickness but alas, a freaking' 11 days from the New Year, I get the flu.

So what is everyone doing for the New Year? Since I can't go home, I have to make a decision. I will either be partying with my upstairs neighbors, Mike, Luscious and Zoobie, or be attending my co-worker's - Chris - annual shindig. I want to make an effort to hang out with Chris more because we get along so well at work that it's silly that we don't see each other besides that. On the other hand, the upstairs peeps are the closest friends (in proximity and in hang out time) I have here. They are all from Florida and way rad as people. What a dilemma.

So what are you doing?

Sunday, December 12, 2004


Mike please continue with your list. Maybe it will give me some new ideas. After reading what you wrote, I tried to think if I even bought any albums that came out this year. What I mean by that is, well, everytime I go a record store, I find myself buying some crazy old Morrisey or Replacements cd or searching desperately to find old 7 inch singles of bands I already adore so that I can have a full collection of their music. I just realized about a week ago that there are a possible 4 dismemberment plan songs that I don't own! I must find them! Anyway, I can't seem to get into anything new. I guess I just have to take a chance, right?

I think the only new CD I bought was The Killers, which I bought reluctantly due to all the songs that seem to be on the radio. Then I gave it a full listen and liked it. It's good, even though parts of the song "Mr.Brightside" kind of sound like "Ode to Joy." It sounds wierd, but just listen to it.

Working at a gallery is stressful. It's true. I miss giving print viewings, working in the vault, my friends there - my OWN desk and all other sorts of bullshit. I really feel like I'm getting this job, amd even getting into it, but I swear, I'm good for absolutely NOTHING on Sundays. It's the first day of my weekend, and all I want to do is not think at all.

I will be trapped in Vegas for five days with my two cats. Matt is flying out of Vegas because it is cheaper to go back to Chicago from there than LA. So, I will be trapped in one bedroom with two cats. My p's have two pups and I fear they may want to eat my kitties. Anyway, I may use that time to give this website a new look. Man, what was I thinking when I picked orange? I don't even like orange. Oh well.

Tomorrow, Matt and I make our short film. If it's any good, I'll send it to all you bloggers in Chicago.

Someone visit me!

Saturday, December 11, 2004

I don't have much of interest to report, either, but I'm going to write about it anyway. Work is still going well. It's almost a little strange to have a job where I don't feel completely stressed out every single day of my life. My supervisors are decent, understanding people, and the other co-workers are great. It does make for some dull blogging, though - I miss the days of rambling bathroom conversations with psycho bosses, or co-workers who have hideously giant Looney Tunes tattoos. At least I still have Wacky Hawaiian Shirt Guy, and Guy Who Feels the Need to Completely Drop His Pants When Using the Urinal. In other news, I purchased three tickets for the Slint reunion show at Metro, even though my desire to attend shows these days is virtually gone. I only went to two shows this year - Seam and Braid - and wasn't all that impressed (although the Braid show was fun - just not as great as the 10+ times I saw them in the past). Compare that to the three or more a month I would attend back in the Hesterman blog days. Am I getting too old or are the shows getting worse? I barely even recognize most of the names of bands playing at the Empty Bottle, and recently unsubscribed to the email shows list. I'm still buying tons of music, but don't care to see the bands in a live setting. At least I still have bowling in my life. I hit the Lincoln Square lanes every Sunday, pumping money into the jukebox (Meat Loaf's I'd Do Anything For Love is selection #3201) and offending all of those around me. We've actually made some enemies out of the other "regulars," although the staff loves my friends and I. Free High Life can always be counted on.

I guess it's late enough in the year for this...

Favorite Albums of 2004

I'm notorious for changing the order of my lists or completely forgetting terrific albums (and writing little album blurbs that tell you nothing about the music), but this is what comes to mind on December 11th, 2004...

Bark Psychosis' Codename: Dustsucker - The band that is credited with creating post-rock returns with their first album in 10 years. Unfortunately, it's still hard to find in stores, and most people don't even realize that it exists. Lee Harris of Talk Talk guests on a few tracks, much to my enjoyment. Fans of Tortoise and Brian Eno should slap themselves if they haven't heard this yet, because that last Tortoise album was crappy and Brian Eno hasn't put out any worthwhile material in ages (oh, and because Codename: Dustsucker sounds like those two at times).

Les Savy Fav's Inches - Although this is technically a compilation and not a studio album, none of these tracks have made it to CD before. Other than a pointless spoken word piece, most tracks range from very good to excellent - quite a feat for a release spanning 18 songs and several years. Although they often get lumped in the (often terrible) "dance-punk" category, their sound manages to transcend that label and become something at least somewhat unique. I can't say the same about Franz Ferdinand or Futureheads, but maybe you can. It's cool to hear their sound change/evolve from their beginnings as a four-piece to the current three-member roster. The Sweat Descends is arguably my favorite single of '04 - you can't not air guitar to it. The bonus DVD is short and inessential.

I'll finish my list later this week. I'm tired of typing.

Tuesday, December 07, 2004


I have nothing very interesting to report this week. It's cold in my apartment. It's amazing that it can be 70 degrees outside, yet I have to wear a long sleeve shirt and a hoodie inside the house.

Today, Lou Ferrigno passed by me at the gym (yes, I joined a gym). Apparently both him and Arnold Schwarzenegger trained at my gym for their Mr. America and Mr. Universe titles. Lou looks older, but he didn't look like this.

or this

go to it's hilarious.