Thursday, April 29, 2004


i'd squeeze a heart through my fingertip but i type too slow to make expressions stick.
-Death Cab for Cutie

Another day at work . . .

Lady walks in: Do you have a typewriter?

Me: No?

Lady: Hmm, maybe I'll go to the library, I bet they have one.

I'm not sure why anyone would walk into a museum and ask if there was a typerwriter. I'm figuring that you probably only ask for one if there were plans to use it or buy it. However, I could be wrong.

There hasn't been much going on with me lately. I've been sick for the past week and my cold has finally gone away. Have you seen those Emergen"C"'s? I swear by them. I've been drinking them all week and I'm feeling much better.

I'm here early again and I don't know what do to with myself. Anyone have a fun website to look at?

Thursday, April 22, 2004


I got a job!!!

On Monday, I went to my final interview for a teaching gig for next year. At the end of the interview, they offered me a job and i took it! I'm signing the contract on Tuesday, and as of then I'll officially be a teacher!

Looks like I'm gonna be a Blue Demon.


Friday, April 16, 2004


I got 99 problems and the bitch isn't one.

Here is a phone call I picked up at work the other day:

Crazy Lady: Hi, do you have informational brochures about the museum?

Me: Well, I can send you the annoucement cards for the current show and our membership application that has an outline af the museum's history.

Crazy lady getting very excited: That's great! I keep telling my friends about how you guys have all these halograms and they don't believe me!

Me: I'm sorry. We don't have any halograms, we have lots of photographs.

Quiet on her end.

Me: We have photography, no halography.


Me. hello?

Lady, very sad: You mean you don't have any halograms?

Me: No, just a lot of pictures.

Lady: oh, ok.

Apparently, I tore her dreams to shreds. She hung up before I could tell her that there is a Museum of Halography and I could find her the number if she held on.

Doesn't this weather rule!!! I took a day off from work yesterday and Matt and I went to the park to fly kites. As a gift, Matt brought me this huge parrot kite. This little girl was in love with it. She kept instructing me where to stand and asking me if she could fly it. The cutest thing had to be when she she said. "It's so windy, my hat keeps flying off." When I write it, it doesn't sound as cute as when she said it, but trust me, it was very cute.

The little boys were more attracted to Matt's kite which is a drogon fly. this little boy came up to Matt and said: "tu, yo. fly." and motioned to the sky.

Ok. who is going to see Kill Bill Vol. 2 tonight? I am so excited! I just wish that it wasn't so damn expensivve to see a film.

Also, I really want to go and see Pinback play tomorrow night, so I need to choose one and go with it. I think that Pinback wins.

I have to go tend to the halograms. Have a nice weekend!

Monday, April 12, 2004


I see your face every time I dream
On every page, every magazine

-Def Leppard

Apparently a quote of mine is going to be in the June issue of Glamor. My friend's girlfriend works there and called me and asked me if there was any kind of keepsake that I kept with me. I told her about my Irish 1 pence coin that I got during my stay in Ireland and how I now have it as the cool peacock tattoo on my forearm. Anyway, it was just confirmed, I will be in Glamor so don't waste your money and don't buy the new issue. When you are bored standing in line at the grocery store, flip through the pages and hear me speak. yay.

How was everyone's weekend?

I had a lovely Passover. I am still hiding from a band of Evil Emissaries. I also think that is a good band name for a "hard core" band.

Thursday, April 08, 2004


I'm on standby

I'm at the Columbia Library right now, trying to organize all these prints that the Museum is lending. It's really exciting!!!! Really, really exciting! Sarcasm is my friend.

Thanks Mike for having us by (well, thank your friends who threw the party for having us by) on Saturday for the your birthday extravaganza. If I'm right, your real birtrhday is today - So Happy Birthday! I had a lot of fun, especially making your birthday card, which I hope you are keeping cause it may be worth something someday (wishful thinking on my part). It was cool to also meet other bloggers even though I didn't get to talk to them much. Sorry.

Ok, not much more to write and I have to get back to set up for a lecture.

Anyone have any new news?

Friday, April 02, 2004


That was me you played that trick on! You dirty scoundrels and your skullduggery. I have yet to recover from that traumatic experience.

Enough with the big words. The weather is finally warming up, and we're entering the stretch that makes living in this megalopolis worth it - spring. Damn, I used another big word. I'm what they call the over-educated bourgeois dead weight. I take and take and take, and talk and talk and talk.

Anyway, back to spring. I'm taking the old ball glove out. I hope to warm it up a bit with a few long tosses before my opening day start in front of 40,000 rabid Cub fans. I'm really Kerry Wood in another life.

Soon the weather will warm the ground and my apartment and a summer of porch sitting begins. Grilling and rocking and rolling are in the cards.

Yea for spring. Yea. Yea. Yea.

Thursday, April 01, 2004

I may have some good work-related news, but I don't want to jinx myself by spilling the beans - more details later, as (if?) they become official.


If I get the blame then I get the credit too.
-The Dismemberment Plan

I 've been trying to think of a good April Fool's Day joke for the past couple of days. Christie and I used to think of the best jokes. I remember when we convinced two people that the knew each other as children and then when they finally met for the first time, the both pretended that they had been friends for ages as to not hurt the other person's feelings. Good times, good times.

Anyway, nothing this year folks. Boo.

Here are 3 interesting things:

1) I saw the Darkness on Friday. Mike, you are right. There was no way to see two shows. However, The Darkness is really entertaining and really tight live (his vocals are exactly like the recording, and he definitly was not doing it the Britney Spears way), so it was well worth sticking around. I almost got my camera taken away by some security guy. After a lot of me saying "there is no way I am letting you take my camera." he left me alone. One more thing about Milwaukee. Apparently you have to drive to either Racine or Kenosha to buy alcohol at a grocery store after 11pm. Perhaps we were not stopping at the correct grocery stores.

2) I got a new tat! It's a peacock. Sounds extraordinarily cheesy, I know, but after you see it, you will change your mind.

3) Mammoth Caves are amazing. Matt and I went on this 5 mile tour throught the caves - some areas are only about 3 feet by 3 feet. There are areas in the caves that are only 9 inches high. You can tour through these areas as well, but there is a waiting list. The crappy thing about the trip is that it was cold and miserable. I had a great time, but I wish that the weather was nicer. So much for Kentucky being warmer.

15 minutes and I'm off work. Damn work.