Tuesday, July 29, 2003


if this is it

I found out last night that my insane landlord was at our Apt. the day my grill was stolen. So, because he is insane, my thoughts are that he took my grill. The first question to ask is 1) why would anyone steal a grill? Well, the anwsers could be, a) too cheap, b)too lazy to go out and get one, c)likes the taste of other people's cooked food on their food d)is just into stealing, and e)is insane. If we go over these anwsers, and we see that an insane man was at my house at the time of the theft, then we can almost conclude that the grill was stolen by him.

Why is he crazy? That, I'm not sure of, probably Vietnam. How about, why do I think he's crazy. . . Well, he woke me up at 5:45 in the morning to tell me that the porch was to crowded and that he would be fined by "the inspectors" if they saw the mess. When I moved in, he told me that I could not paint my dirty walls because "some bitcches in the 70's went crazy and painted the floors white." He told me that he'd hate to come into my apartment when I was naked and then two seconds later when I sounded uncofortable, told me it was "Wednesday, and everyone needs a joke on Wednesday." Once called my house a brothel when I lived with one girl and a guy. Walks into the house whenever he wants, basically- when claiming that he knocks. Oh yeah, and busted down my dowstairs neighboor's door. Just to name a few. Insane.

I can't really accuse him of taking the grill because I don't know for sure, but I want to bring it up somehow. "so, steal any grills lately?" Too obvious?

Nathan, Peter (the two roomates) and I went looking for new grills last night and the cheapest we found was $80. Is that a bad price? As some sort of tease, Nathan got all this free corn from his boss, and now we can't even cook it.

Just curious, but if you call someone on Wednesday, sound upset and ask them to call you back as soon as they can, and it's already Tuesday without any signs of a call, do you have a right to be pissed?

I'm looking at the Schuba's show line up, and apparently on August 15th, Ben Gibbard is playing. Does anyone know if this is a solo thing? Postal Service (it would probably list Postal Service, right?)? If you know, drop me a note.

Saturday, July 26, 2003


Don't wake me I'm almost sleeping.

I'm at work today, and although I've only been here since noon, I feel like I have had one of the longest days ever. It's odd to think that only this morning I was consoling a mother of four that I didn't think that it was a good idea that I sold her my car.

I'm finally selling the "onda." The Onda, as it is so fondly known to me, is a 92, four door, Honda Civic that I have been driving since high school. I took my driving test in this car. It's the same car in which I was hit head on by a man named Thomas Edison (I kid you not about this. It is his name) while I was behind a stopped car at a stop sign. It is also the same car that a postal truck rear ended last summer. And that is just a few of the things that have happened to me in that car, so yes, she is a blessing and a curse.

When I was away in Vegas, I somehow scraped up enougch cash to buy myself a Jeep Wrangler. I drove it all the way home from Vegas with my mom (another story for another time). Now, I am selling The Onda, only because I feel like there is a bullseye on the car somewhere, inviting all other cars, and people, for that, matter, to hit it and hurt it in anyway possible.

So, I finally start getting calls on the car, mind you the body is in terrible condition, and of course, when I go to show it, it doesn't start. My mom claims that it won't start because "it has a broken heart," but I believe it is in pure spite that The Onda won't let me get rid of it. I actually think it hates me.

This poor woman Lily, wanted the car so bad, but I couldn't sell her a hunk of junk. She has for kids for christs sake. I don't want the car to stall on her while she's out driving.

I wanted to write more, but the Museum closes in about five minutes and I have to start closing up.

Monday, then.

Friday, July 25, 2003


I have no idea what happened. One day, I went to our blog and it was gone. No matter what I fixed or changed, it wouldn't come back. So, now we have a new, generic template and I'm hoping to get us back into the swing of things. If not, it may be just me from now on, who knows. I will say that I need this sometimes to keep me going at work, you know, a little writing, a little reading. Jeez. I just noticed. I have to repulblish all those damn links I had. Ah, a project for another day.

It's also sad to see that the last time I wrote was back in May when the Art Fair was making me miserable. It did end up sucking and the Reader article - yeah, I'm happy they even mentioned us.

Now, for the past two months or so, I've been spending most of my time working and trying to print more copies of my book. The unfortunate thing is that I HAVE NO MOTIVATION. If you had talked to June me, I would have told you that by now, I'd have 5 copies of the book published and I would have already started my thesis paper. I also may have said that I would have started photographing my new idea. How much of this is done ,July Jen? NOTHING. What happened?

I went to Vegas for two weeks which kinda sucked the motivation out of me. I think I had heat stroke for two days but I'm not sure. Anyway, since I've been back, I've haven't been able to get back into my previous work habits. That and last night, someone stole my grill. I know this little tidbit has nothing to do with work or motivation. I just want to say this: I just like food cooked on a grill. I like cooking oustside. I like having Christie and Mike over for late night BBQ's. Now we have no grill. People suck I tell you. And you know what sucks even more? Is that some asshole who already can afford a nicer grill than me just took mine because we left it out. I can feel it. Grrr.

Hopefully this is all posting an working like normal. I have to tell the rest of the blog.