JenIt's just a part time job. So what if it's the Gap.
It's true, I work part time at the Gap. I get great discounts and well, it's better then Walgreens. While I'm waiting for this jackass to get his butt in gear for my second interview at the sweet job I really want, I had to make some money. I've been applying like mad to other jobs for the past two months and finally this weekend, I get the job at the Gap. Then today, I get calls for two more interviews this Friday. One for a full time job and then another part time. What's taking so long people? Just hire me! Anyway, now I'm weighing all my options. Soon, I'll have a real life here again. It's all very exciting!
A couple of weeks ago. Matt, Christie and I hit the road and drove to Woodstock, IL to pick apples and to eat at the diner that Bill Murray sat and ate doughnuts at in Groundhog Day. Although the diner was closed, we still managed to pick a crap load of apples and enjoy the awesome weather. Here are some pictures for your viewing pleasure.

This is the beautiful orchard we spent the day at. There was even a petting zoo!

. . . and a corn maze!

and a giant rooster.
Here we are in Woodstock's town square. Matt and I are waving from the gazebo in the square where all the Groundhog Day festivities take place.

Bill Murray jumps to his death from this tower.

I'm not sure if Woodstock does it anymore, but a couple years back, I went there on Groundhog day and there were all these cool movie related things to do such as watch the movie all day for free at the theater or take a tour of all the places Bill Murray killed himself. If they have it again this year, then I will probably go.
I plan on posting more Halloween related pictures tomorrow. Stay tuned.