Thursday, October 18, 2007


This weekend, Matt and I are celebrating our 4 year anniversary by visiting Southern California's wine country. We are starting off our weekend in Lompac (this was kind of by accident, only because most hotels in the region are booked for Saturday night) and visiting the surrounding vinyards. Then, we head to Solvang - one of the towns visited in the movie, "Sideways"- on Sunday night. Matt has taken a new interest (educational) in wine, so this is very exciting for him. I, however, want to be just like Conan O'Brien.

Next week, the past four months of hard work will finally pay off. I've helped to open up a gallery from the ground up (unfortunately, not my own gallery, but hopefully some day.) Our opening is next Thursday! I can't believe it. The only bad thing is, since we open to the public next week, I go back to a Tuesday - Saturday schedule. I was really enjoying having a real weekend these past couple months. So sad to see them go.

Friday, October 05, 2007


I'm feeling much better after my ER visit minus the, ahem, FOUR THOUSAND DOLLAR bill I have to pay. My appendix nearly ruptured after I saw that. The scary part is that the first bill was actually $6,000. and then a couple days later, I got another bill giving me a $2,000 break for not having insurance. I have to call the hospital today and see if I can get any other breaks for not being a millionaire.

Matt now has a brand new hog!
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To make a long story short, the Burgman that Matt owned before did not meet California emissions standards. For those who want to buy any vehicle out of state that has less that 7,500 miles, do not even bother to bring that vehicle into California. They will not register it. In short, they sent Matt a letter that he had to get rid of the bike immediately. So, he called a couple dealerships, and luckily, someone bought it, and in exchange Matt got the new Suzuki! He loves it! It's no so bad to ride on the back of it either, even though the Burgman was much more comfortable. Still, I'm happy that Matt is riding around legally.

Not too much going on otherwise. My friend, Eric is having a party tonight that we are going to.

Oh, and I'm 90% sure I dying my hair dark brown tomorrow. You'll see the new me on this blog if I go through with it.

Have a great weekend!