JenWell, it's been an interesting month, to say the least.
To write all the details would take too long and probably be boring, so I'll only mention only one of the more interesting events: Matt and my trip back home to Chicago. Of course, the weekend we are there, it not only manages to be below zero temperature wise, but also snow (a lot)! It was great being back home otherwise, and so great seeing everyone that we managed to see. We were pretty much packed with activity from the moment we landed to when we took off.
And now it's February. I just looked at my calendar, and realized that I have absolutely no days off for, well, a long time. No work holidays, no vacations. Ugh.
This has made me want to plan something, because no matter how much you love what you do, no days off or vacations in sight is a little sad. Matt wants to go to this place in San Diego and go hiking. I'm still trying to talk him into dropping some cash on tickets to England. Most likely, we'll end up in San Diego. Hey, it's still a vacation.
I've knitted about 5 scarves this season and unless I learn how to do something new and exciting in the knitting world (like finally figuring out how to knit in the round), I need to find a new hobby. So, to help with the winter doldrums (yes, we get those here in California too) if you have any suggestions for new books or hobbies, drop me an e-mail and let's chat.