One last thing for Friday - the best article ever.
Friday, May 23, 2008
We are having some crazy weather here in Southern California! Yesterday, there was a tornado, hail and thunderstorms! All of these natural occurrences that are so very common in the midwest and other parts of the globe are very unusual here. You may not think thunderstorms are that big of a deal, but here, we never have thunder with rain - it's usually just plain old rain. Anyway, I was looking for this footage I saw on the news of the tornado sweeping across the highway but couldn't find it. The best part of the video though is that all cars on the highway are driving towards the tornado. Only in California.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Fantastic friend and artist, Annie Heckman, my boyfriend, Matt, and a third party who I don't know personally but I'm sure she's great, Terri Russ, have collaborated on a book entitled "Airline to Heaven , Part I" It includes Annie's drawings from her animation project, and writing from both Terri and Matt!

You can pre-order the book here!!
Saturday, May 10, 2008
I tried out this dental floss last week and now I am obsessed with it! It makes flossing fun (kind of)!
Last night, I went to a Mormon talent show in Glendale with my friend Kelly. Just for the record, neither of us are Mormons.
I attempted to take a picture of their sign with my crappy phone, but as you can see it's hard to make out what the sign actually says. It was a night like last night that I wish I had an i-phone.

It says: "Glendale gots tallent yo!" No, I didn't misspell talent - they did. It's actually kind of precious. One thing I will say about the Mormon's I encountered last night: they were all super happy, really nice people. We only stayed for an hour, but we got to see an 80's lip-synced montage, some hot break-dancing moves and a stirring rendition of the theme song of Beauty and the Beast.
Thursday, May 08, 2008
Back again!
I was searching you tube for random crap to watch, and I found this funny scene from Hot Rod. I love this movie - it has some really hilarious scenes in it. I especially love the ode-to-Kevin-Bacon-in-Footloose-montage that I couldn't find on the internet. Even though it didn't get the best grade from my favorite source for movie reviews, I still love it.