A couple of nights ago, I had this dream that I was on the beach with my sister -both of us, city girls, unable to swim AT ALL - and we were walking down this large pier to watch surfers. I was trying to explain to her that it was amusing to watch surfers wipe out (although in reality, I don't find this so amusing) and then, far out in the ocean, I saw this strange, but large ocean spray that wouldn't normally happen. Anyway, I knew that something was wrong and I grabbed my sister's hand and started dragging her down the pier and away from the ocean. She was so hard to move. I hear her scream "Jenny!" (everyone in my immediate family refuses to call me anything but that) and I turn around and this huge wave was coming at us. That was the night that the tsunami hit.
I've had terrorizing dreams about the ocean since I was little - usually dreams about me swimming and getting my legs caught in seaweed or huge, ominous waves chasing me until I woke up. Sometimes I wonder why I moved so damn close to the ocean out here. At the same time that I am terrified of a body or water so huge that my mind can't even comprehend it, I find the sound of the ocean relaxing when I trail off to bed at night, or the fresh salty smell I take a whiff of every morning I walk to my car to go to work.
The thing about the tsunami that hit Indonesia is that no one expected it. Everyone just woke up, went to do their normal every morning affairs and boom, it just happened. I ran across a blog about the tsunami and how you can help out (I don't know how legit it is either), so check it out if you get a chance. Or go here to check out a bunch of different sites that are helping out victims. I feel just so bad for them. I don't have a lot of money, but I am going to donate something. It's the least I can do.
Speaking of natural disasters, Matt and I rented “The Day After Tomorrow.” The title is ridiculous. I know that the title "Two Days from Now" isn't as impending. It doesn't mean that I like it any better. The basis of the movie is that due to pollution/global warming, the Atlantic jet stream, which keeps the ocean at its current temperature - stops. I don't know or remember all the logistics. Anyway, this is basically causing the ocean temperature to drop and crating an ice age of sorts in the northern hemisphere. Matt and I coined the term "land-freeze-a-cane” due to the hurricane like appearance of the ice sweeping in. Overall the film was entertaining for what it was. It's hard to make a blizzard that exciting. The giant tidal wave that hit New York was pretty creepy, I must admit. Otherwise, the series of tornadoes in L.A. was just plain stupid. The moviemakers just wanted to destroy two major cities or I guess it just wouldn't be a good movie. I have no idea why I have gone into such a detailed description of this movie. Sorry.
It's been raining here for the past two days. I wish it looked like this right now.

One more thing. I had a nice Christmas. I had dinner at the Olive Garden on Christmas Eve. I also went bowling in a casino directly afterwards. I kid you not. My holidays get more interesting there per year. I hope everyone else had a nice holiday.