JenThe Power of Google: Where 10 Minutes of Boredom Can Take You.Last night at Four Moons in Roscoe Village, members of this blog and other friends were trying to figure out two things: all of the names of the Thundercats, and the name of the cartoon about the farm animals that was made by the creator of Garfield. (Answers to these questions? 1) Thundercats: Lion-o, Panthro, Tygra, Cheetara, WilyKit and WilyKat. Snarf was the pet and Mumm-Ra was the villian. 2)Cartoon: US Acres.) Of course, when we couldn't figure these out, right away, someone mentioned how they would just "google it" when they got home. Can anyone pinpoint when Google became as huge as it is? Maybe I should ask Google. However, I had another burning question on my mind. (It's not about grapes as nature's popsicle.)
Recently, I was apart of a discussion about who was the better solo musician once they left Genesis - Phil Collins or Peter Gabriel. If you think about it, Phil Collins was really the hit maker of the bunch. Not only did he come out with more solo albums, but he also managed to create well rounded, poppy hits. Peter Gabriel is much more experimental with his sound, and the songs that were hits were very unique. So what soes it all mean?
In an attempt to find some answers, I decided to ask the all powerful being, Google, to see what I could come up. My first google was just "Genesis" to see if there was any interesting tidbits about both singers. It lead me to the
Genesis website. Please, PLEASE, go the frequently asked question page for Phil Collins. It is hilarious. Here are some FAQ's about Phil:
How tall is Phil? - Though he hasn't recently measured himself, Phil believes he's around the 5 foot 8 inches mark. However, some suspect he was standing on his tip toes when making that statement!
What musical instruments does Phil play? - Phil is a highly talented drummer who is also able to play the piano, keyboard ...and bagpipes!
How did Phil get that little scar next to his lip? - When Phil was very young, he was going through Richmond Park, and a flock of sheep ran across the road. So his Dad put the brake on and Phil went flying across to the front seat and hit it on the dashboard! Whomever wrote this just loves exclamation points!!!
Anyway, no answers there. So I asked google: "Who is better - Phil Collins or Peter Gabriel?" and up pops
this. Apparently, Genesis "got better" with Phil. This doesn't necessarily answer my question, but at least we know how he feels. I wonder if there is hostility between Peter and Phil?
Next Google "is there hostility between Peter Gabriel and Phil Collins?" and although nothing about hostility was in my top ten, I did find this
amazing blog, if that is what it is, from 2003 - which discusses three catergories that the lead-singer-becoming-a-solo-artist can be divided into. It's a great read, so check it out.
I've realized that if you know how to type the right thing into Google, you can get exactly what you want on the first try. I'm still learning the little tricks. In a matter of minutes though, I was amazed at the world at my fingertips. Anyway, for more fun, get "Google Earth" which you can download for free. You will never think of the earth in the same way.