Friday, January 26, 2007


Apparently they are doing some sewer work under the building which the gallery I work at is in, and well, they have disturbed these little guys. The exterminator came yesterday to spray, and by late afternoon, three decided to chance their fate and flee from under the sink to the world outside. It was gross and kinda terrifying. All three are dead thanks to some Oxy Clean, our downstairs neighbor's foot and a Starbucks cup. We got clever!

Matt's band was just recently featured on the New Music Roundup on Punk Check it out!

Tuesday, January 16, 2007


So has everyone seen the new i-phone? It's insane! Check out the demos. It makes you want to drop 500 bucks on a new phone.

On a nother note, friend, Kit, and I have started yet another blog. I'm hoping this one actually sticks. It's called Chroma, and we will be posting scanned polaroids. We have three posts so far, with more to come as the month progresses. Make us feel good and take a look.

This Saturday, if you are interested in seeing a free show, drop me an e-mail and I'll forward you comp tickets to see The Assembly at the Metro. Matt and I will be there, hopefully with some of us other bloggers as well. It's always a great idea to support local bands, and why not spend a chilly Saturday night in the warm and cozy Metro?

Well, I'm off to meet my sister for night of Ikea. I'm hoping to get a light for this little beauty. (aka my Kid Robot toy collection shelfing unit.)
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Tuesday, January 09, 2007


I need to give a shout out to my dear friend Nathan for scoring an airport card for my iMac and setting me up with the Internet! Sweet! No more sharing Matt's lappy!

As an already great start to the new year, I thought I'd try to do something new on the blog. For about five years, I have been exchanging polaroids on a monthly basis with my friend Ken who lives (and was born) in Tokyo. I've posted polaroids in the past on the blog- probably not in context of this particular project - and I thought, to actually make me scan and send them on time, that I would include them every month as I take them. So, here is the very first polaroid of January.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

It's no secret that I dye my hair, so here's me in the process. And if you squint and turn your head a bit, you can see my newish- as of September- tattoo on my arm.

All in all, not too much else is going on at the moment. I'm dreading when it gets REALLY cold outside. I'm praying that it will stay in the 40's for the rest of winter. Wishful thinking, I know. . .

Tuesday, January 02, 2007


Happy New Year!

Believe it or not, but I worked at the Gap on New Years Day. A woman returned a dress from the year 1998. She had the receipt and everything. I had to remind her that the store return policy is a 180 days, not nearly a decade.

I was 19 years old in 1998. shheesh! That's a long time ago.

Did I mention that I had the stomach flu on Christmas Eve and then got my sister sick as well? Nothing like keeping it within the family!

Hope everyone had a safe a fun holiday season!