Wednesday, March 26, 2008

So much blogging last Thursday that I had to take a week off. Phew.

A woman walked into the gallery and told me that someone left their cell phone on the stairs that lead up to our front door. I was genuinely surprised considering she was the first guest of the day. I went downstairs to locate the lost cell phone and couldn’t find anything except our door stop, which I guess could resemble a crappy rubbery looking cell phone if you smear vasoline all over your eyes. On her way out she yelled up the stairs “Don’t forget about the cell phone down here!” Once again, nothing but a door stop. Get some glasses, lady.

I was totally and utterly shocked to get a phone call from my dear friend, Ken, who lives in Tokyo. I didn’t recognize the 10 digit number on my caller ID, but decided to take a chance and answer. It was so strange to hear Ken’s voice on the end of the line. Anyway, it was 9pm here in Los Angeles, and 1pm the next day in Tokyo. I asked Ken if there was anything exciting going on in the future and he said “not much.” I thought that was funny. This is the first time that I’ve received a foreign call on my celly, and to tell you the truth, I’m still a little scared about my bill. You never know if there would be hidden charges for that kind of call even though we were only on the phone for about 10 minutes (he was on his lunch break.) It was so great to get such an amazing expected call though, and hopefully, a free one too.

Matt and I attempted to take the hog all the way to Cornell, which is just east of Malibu, to go to this restaurant/biker hang out called The Rock Store. I had on all my gear, which makes you VERY hot if the temp is over 75 degrees. Hmmm. I think it was over 80 on Sunday. I felt like I was going to pass out on the back of the bike, especially when we were stuck in traffic on the PCH. Ugh. We try the Rock Store again when it’s cooler.

Not too much else going on. I need a vacation. Enough said.

Thursday, March 20, 2008's like 2001 all over again. I wouldn't want it to actually be 2001 again, though, since that would mean temp jobs, driving a station wagon with fake wood paneling and living with my parents. If I still had that car today I would be accused of ironically driving a vehicle with fake wood paneling instead of, you know, being poor and driving it because I don't have anything better. My financial situation is better these days, though I am still waiting for Becky and Greg to adopt me.

Things are pretty good in my world. One of my best friends got married in St. Louis over the weekend, and the reception was at the kickass St. Louis City Museum, which is basically a giant McDonald's Playland spread out over thousands of square feet + alcohol + delicious food. Right now I'm searching for a job in Minneapolis - I'm a little burnt out in my current position and it's time for a change of scenery. I'm already up there every few weeks visiting friends, so I figure I should just take the plunge.

And I leave you with this flattering series of photos...


Finally, the work day is done.

According to the time that this post was published, it looks like I work until 8 at night. Do not be worried. I usually leave by about 6:30 on a good day, which it looks like today is. Of course, with daylight savings time out the window, it still beautiful and sunny when I leave work! huzzah!

I just posted a new image on Chroma that I recently took in Las Vegas. Look and enjoy.


Can you believe it? My third post today plus posts from the original bloggers - Becky and Greg. What an exciting anniversary!

On that note, here's a little something that my friend e-mailed me last week.

camel toads

I'm Off!

It's been a decade, it seems. How's it going blog? Everything feeling okay? A little arthritis maybe? Been to the doctor lately? I see. Grandkids don't call as much as you'd like? That's a shame.

They unblocked blogger at my school two weeks ago, so maybe, and I don't want to make any false promises here, I can start posting more than once a year. Maybe.

I'm actually off to Poland in a half hour or so. I'm gonna be in Berlin, Wroclaw and Krakow for Spring Break. Nothing says Spring Break like the icey cold March of the Eastern Bloc.

I'll talk to you soon blog.



One of my favorite things to do is read the Police Blotter. When I was in high school, I attempted to get in the police blotter by, I guess, one would consider calling it, defacing private property. I never did anything truly horrible; basically, Christie, Greg and my dear friend Gant would steal work horses and leave them on people's lawns. We would find a location under construction, pile the horses in the back of Greg's parent's mini van and then arrange them on the front lawn of the person we had picked that week. Occasionally, we would also fork someone's lawn - you know, take a bunch of plastic forks and stick them in the ground. We usually put them on the lawn's of people we knew. Only one time did we get caught by a neighbor, but we got out of there just in time.

Anyway, here are some Police Blotter highlights from the Beverly Press.

March 6

At 9:12pm, an unknown suspect stole a wallet left on a cashier counter of a business in the 7100 block of Santa Monica. The wallet contained identification, credit cards and approx. $60 cash.

March 7

An unknown suspect ransacked a business office in the 8700 block of Santa Monica at 7:30 am. It was unknown what was stolen from the location.

March 8

At 6:00 pm, an unknown suspect ransacked a business in the 1000 block of Fairfax.

March 11

At 3:40am, an unknown caucasian male suspect was arrested for arson, after being observed setting a fire in a trash bin in the 8800 block of Sunset. (Jen's note: How could he still be unknown if he was arrested?)

At 3:45 pm, an unknown suspect vandalized a vehicle near the corner of Masselin and 6th.

An unknown suspect stole a bag containing two diamond rings from a hotel pool in the 8400 block of Sunset at 4:00pm. The loss was estimated at $6,130.


Apparently a lot of ransacking happens in the Beverly area.

More later.


I remembered! Happy 7 years, blog!

Becky! So good to see your post!! Just like old times - she got the first post of the day.

To help start off the day, let's watch a little video about what friends are for.


Yay for 7 years of blogging!! I like to think we were on the forefront of this craze. The sad part is that the title line is going to have to change to 'God are we really in our 30's?' YIKES!

Sorry about not blogging in like 5 years, but I don't seem to have as many interesting things pop into my head as I used to...

So what has happened in 7 years since this started....
-Moved from a cube to sharing an office
-Got a globe for my 5 year work anniversary (maybe I'll get 2 globes for my 10 year)
-Moved from living on Oakley to Grace to Wolcott to Albany
-Now have 3 nieces and 1 nephew
-Now have sisters who don't talk to each other
-Started paying 2 mortgatges and now pay only one - woohoo!
-Visited 3 continents
-Ate alot of Thai food and pizza - seriously there are so many Thai places in Lincoln Square and I love pizza so much
-Climbed a mountain pass and almost ruined my knees
-Took yoga classes from Jen :)
-Changed my last name :( (sorry Greg, but its not really an upgrade - it's shorter, but harder to pronounce and way farther down in the alphabet)

okay that's all my brain can handle today. I promise to post more now that I am re-set for posting!

ps - snow tomorrow - boo, boo and double boo!!!

Tuesday, March 04, 2008


I apologize in advance to anyone who reads both this blog and my other blog, Chroma. I've been posting a lot of the same stuff. I promise to stop doing that. . . soon. Yeah. So, in the meantime, here's another double post:

I forgot that I was interviewed for the Chicago Journal regarding my donation of photographs to the Heartland Alliance for the Art Against Aids event. Thank god the nice person who wrote the article didn't make me seem like an idiot. Click here to read it.

I don't have any stats on the event just yet, but I'm hoping the Heartland Alliance raised a lot of money for the cause.


I went to a bunch of gallery openings in Culver City with my co-worker, Kelly, this past Saturday. She just alerted me that as soon as I left Honor Fraser Gallery, Toby Maquire showed up. Figures.

March 20 will mark the 7 year anniversary of this blog. I'm hoping that by posting something now, I'll remember to actually post something insightful and interesting on our big anniversary. It's hard to believe I was only 23 when I started writing on this blog, and although I don't write like I used to, I still feel like it is such an interesting way to document life in general.

On that thought, here's an image to describe how I feel about March: