I feel like these gloves are glued to my knuckles
I've been meaning to post a lot more then I have, but last week was complete hell for me, and things are finally calming down around here now that the new show is up. It was the first show that I put up being in charge of the interns and it was very stressful, but good at theg same time.
So how about them cubs? I got this e-mail today that I want to share:
This Chicago native dies one day in a car accident and is sent down to hell. He is immediately greeted by Satan who puts him to work in the sweltering heat. Water drips from the man's face. His hair is soaked and fire is swirling all around him. When the devil comes back to check on him he sees that the man has a big smile on his face and he's cheerfully working at a teady pace.
"How can you be so happy? How can you withstand the abysmal heat of hell?" Satan asked.
"Ahhhh. I feel right at home. It reminds of August in Chicago." The devil grumbles and decides he will try a different kind of hell for this soul. He leaves and summons a torrential rain storm and water falls unendingly from an eternally gray sky. When he comes back, he sees the man cheerfully whistling and doing a little jig through the mud as he continues with his work.
"WHY ARE YOU SO HAPPY?!! The rain doesn't stop falling, there is no sun and everything you see is gray and muddy!"
"Sigh. I feel right at home. It reminds me of April in Chicago."
The devil, furious, storms away again and this time he makes everything absolutely frigid. The temperature falls far below 0 degrees. Snow swirls around and winds beat against the man's body pushing him this way and that. Ice coats everything and an icicle even hangs from the man's nose.
This time when the devil comes back he sees the man jumping up and down, laughing hysterically. He has gotten naked and is throwing himself into the snow and coming up to cheer.
"It is so cold here. The wind is piercing. How can you possibly be so happy?" asked the devil.
"The Cubs won the pennant!! Hell froze over!! The Cubs won the pennant!"
Speaking of the devil, did anyone see the article in the Onion last week about Satan being depressed all weekend when this guy decided not to go gambling? Brilliant.
Sorry about changing my Quote thing to month instead of week. It's not as easy as it looks.
I saw a preview screening of Kill Bill last night. It was awesome. Go see it. Hmm, gotta run. . . More at a later time.