Wednesday, March 29, 2006


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The Bulls lost last night. They were leading the whole damn game and then fell behind in the last couple of minutes. It was so sad.

Here is Benny pooping out free t-shirts.

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The Gap is bringing me down. We were told that we couldn't talk to our peers on the sales floor unless it was customer related. If we did talk about non-gap related things, we would then get a "verbal warning." So when did the Gap turn into communist Russia?

Tuesday, March 28, 2006


Dude, they just sprayed for cockroaches here at work and look what just exploded out of the wall!

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Okay, so there are no giant bugs, but they did spray here. Should they really be doing that while I am in here? The guy who did the spraying didn't even have a mask on. However, he was missing quite a few teeth and didn't really speak in full sentences, so I'm guessing every job has it's price.

The past two weeks, my wonderful friend, Ken, has been in town and staying with Matt and I. He left for home (Tokyo) on Monday. It's been a lot of fun, and that is basically why I haven't been too active blogging. We took some fun pictures at the Milwaukee Art Museum that I will add later.

Speaking of posting pictures. . . I think Jen and I are living the same life. Freaky.

Tonight Matt and I have free tickets to see the Bulls v. the Orlando Magic. I have never been to a professional basketball game, and it's kinda sad that I'll finally see the Bulls now that no one cares about them.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

I should have posted this yesterday, but I'm lazy when it comes to blogging (as I'm sure you know by now)...

Brook, from my old Hesterman blog, ON LETTERMAN!!!

Saturday, March 18, 2006


My weekend in a nutshell:

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Friday, March 17, 2006


Happy St.Patrick's Day!

The luck of the Irish has caused me to find three dead cockroach bodies at the gallery. The first one I found I wasn't sure if it was dead or not, and I stabbed it repeatedly with a pair of scissors. It was dead. Anyway, thought it might be gross to then use said scissors on paper and whatnot, so I ran them under boiling hot water for 20 minutes. It was like a little steam room in the kitchen when I was done. Nothing like steam around fine art prints and paintings!

I hope that doesn't deter anyone from coming out to River North this eve for all the exciting gallery openings (remember, the cockroaches were dead) where I will be working. So, check out this for a full list of all openings and I'll see you later!

Thursday, March 09, 2006


For the past three days, I have been working with kids. Little kids. From ages 1-5. I think I learned more about kids over these past three days then I have throughout my life. Back in Jr. High/ High School, I never babysat. I knew plenty of other people who made extra cash watching kids in their spare time, but I never got into it. I didn't really know how to relate to or take care of kids, and to tell you the truth, I'm weak. When any little kid shows me puppy dog eyes or cries, I just give in. To quote The Simpsons, "I fold faster than Superman on laundry day."

As I grow older, I realize that at some point in the future, I might want to have some offspring of my own. It's about time to figure out what makes these little things tick and what makes parents so retarded for their children.

So, here are some things I learned:

1) When parents are around, kids cry more. David - the portrait photographer I have been working with - is an ace with little kids. He can make the crabbiest kid happy in minutes. It's actually amazing. So, here we have a group of one year olds that come in, sans parents, and they sit down and get their picture taken. It's actually fun for them. A few are a little scared, but basically, it's a good time. The next class, same age, comes in with moms attached, and not a single child will sit down in front of the camera. Some are sniffling, others are flat out wailing. It's a nightmare. The few we get to sit David somehow works a smile out of them, but most are just too terrified.

2) Children are amazingly resilient. One little boy, while standing with his classmates, puked, somehow missing getting vomit on himself and others. The kids around him said "Noah puked!" and most of the little girls ran away. Noah looked pretty upset for a minute, and then when the teacher asked if wanted to go to the nurse, he just shook it off and went back to playing with his friends. Is this kid a cat or something? A cat can vomit and then minutes later it's bouncing off the walls. Little Noah was running around the gym like a mad man five minutes later. Another little girl, so excited to get her picture taken, peed in her pants. None of her friends minded and they even had a spare set of pants for her (um, must be a regular problem.) She changed and she was back in the game. Can you imagine peeing in your pants in front of friends and then just changing your clothes and going back to normal activities?

3)As soon as you say "present," everyone is instantly excited. David says he is going to give each child a present for getting its picture taken. All children squeal with delight. It's a comb. A stinkin' comb. And yet when they get the comb, it's like the best thing in the world. They compare colors, play games, even chew on them. No one seems disappointed in getting an everyday, boring item. Of course, if one loses their "present," it's like the whole world has been turned upside down. Thank god we have extras.

And a little something else I learned:

4) Moms are a pain in the ass. Anytime a mom was around, it would take twice as long to take a picture. "Let's fix Sammy's hair first. Wait, Sammy is drooling!!! Stop! Sammy has food on his shirt!!! The world is going to end!" Then they want to see the picture directly after it's been taken and then pick the best one (we shoot digital). David always gets a smile, and he cleans noses and fixes hair. Listen moms: For christs sake, we don't want the kid to look like a d-bag or we have to come back and do retakes. Plus we have to listen to your bitching. Calm yourself down.

Thursday, March 02, 2006


I had a sad and pathetic dream that I checked this blog and there were posts and more posts from all our contributors. Can't I dream of anything better? Then I awoke to have "Running with the Night" by Lionel Richie in my head. Someone shoot me.

Just so you know, all gift giving and wedding related things went well. Dustin and Laura had a beautiful wedding (at least what we saw of it) and the reception was a blast.

Back to the grind of way too much work and not another day off until who knows when. Seriously, if you or someone you know knows of any job openings for a full time gallery assistant or artist related jobs, please e-mail me. I’m not sure how much more of this I can stand.

Crazy times here at the gallery today – both our main phone lines and fax line are dead. It just proves to me once again how much AT&T/SBC suck it. I’ve been on the phone with these assholes all day on my cell phone, and although I have to keep reminding them that we have NO PHONE SERVICE, they keep telling me they’ll call me back. Um, HELLO!!!!! WE HAVE NO PHONE SERVICE!!!! I don’t want them calling me on my cell phone when I’m not actually at work. They managed to get our second phone line to work after mass amounts of bitching on my part, so at least I can reach the outside world.