Thursday, January 29, 2004


breaking the back of love

Oh, we're ready for you Greg. I've got my Reebok Pumps all laced up (I don't even know what that's supposed to mean, so don't think about it too much). Anyhoo, I've been a little delinquent lately, too. Is it because I'm celebrating a new freakin' job that I haven't started yet? Yes, I believe that's the reason. I only have three days left at the current gig, so I've been slacking like a madman. Today I created a Powerpoint presentation (to be unveiled Tuesday morning) featuring the likes if Emmanuel Lewis, David Hasselhoff, and Gary Coleman. If anyone understands the ins and outs of financial aid, it's Webster himself.

Neintown Still? Now there's a blast from the past. I couldn't tell you what they sounded like, but I'm sure I caught them at one of those annual outdoor "jam" events down in Champaign - back in the good old days, when rent was $200 a month and beer was $.25. I miss those C-U bargains.

Crapple is happening again - one week from tomorrow, to be exact. It should be quite the blowout this time, thanks to the presense of my brother and the "coolest Crapple prize ever" (according to the bartender). I hope to see you all there.

In the last 2 weeks, I've had 5 potential roommates bail on me at the last moment. If you know of anyone looking for a spacious place in Lincoln Square, send them my way. I'm getting desperate.

Greg the vagabond

bizarrely, i've seen cameron play for over 5 or 6 years now. he played in a band called neintown still down in Champaign during my years down there. then he played in a band called the morris minors with one of my co-workers after i moved up here. i've never seen his solo show though.

it's been months and weeks and even days since i've blogged, so i hope you don't mind the return jen and mike.

i was reading the times yesterday and i came across this article. short, sweet and to the point. good old god of abraham.

for those of you who don't know (perhaps mike?) i'm currently a teacher without a classroom. i was rejected for my latest attempt at shaping the minds of our youth, so if anyone needs a tutor, keep me in mind.

i'm hoping to be around more often, so be prepared. prepared i say.

Wednesday, January 28, 2004


It's a long way back to California

Last night, I went to the Metro (only 2 bucks!) and saw Owen, Cameron McGill and Life at Sea. It was a great show and beers were an amazing $2 as well. I don't think that I have ever had beer that cheap at the Metro. Actually, I don't think that I have ever had anything that cheap at the Metro.

Anyway, I was really blown away by Cameron McGill, so if you have time, go to his website and listen to the three songs that are available. Just as a side note, the songs are good, but I was utterly impressed with his live show. It was just him on guitar and he also had a guy on the fiddle, a slide guitar and one more instrument that I am completely drawing a blank on.

Go. Listen. Have fun.

Monday, January 26, 2004


Walrus wants to fuck. . .

This is one of the many brilliant lines from Comedy Sportz “Hot Karl”, which is the midnight show on Saturday night. It’s very funny, but a little too short.

I’m very excited about tonight’s Average Joe 2. On last week’s show, the “hot guys” kept saying things like ”They’re not going to know what hit them” or “just wait until we get there!” which became extraordinarily annoying, but I have to admit, I’m curious.

I cannot believe this cold weather. Someone needs to have a beach party; put some sand on the floor, turn up the heat and serve margaritas. . . Or maybe I should just travel to warmer climates. . . I dunno.

I’m very excited for March due to two things: 1) I will be visiting my friends in England! I scored really cheap tickets and I couldn’t say no. 2) I will also start my yoga teaching training course. It’s 12 crazy weeks, but I will be certified to teach when I am done. So cool.

What’s going on with everyone else!

Mike – I love the movie!

Tuesday, January 20, 2004


OK Plus Three - The Movie

Tuesday, January 13, 2004


If you have a wish in one hand and a lump of crap in the other, which one would you wish to come true?

-Man as I refer to as "Boston" - Average Joe 2

There were LOTS of hilarious quotable quotes last night on Average Joe 2. Another was "she's definitly hotter than Wonder Woman."

And people say there's nothing good on television.

Monday, January 12, 2004


We've got boxes!

My weekend was pretty average. On Friday I had an interview in the afternoon, so I took the whole day off. I think it went pretty well, and if I'm offered a position I will sprint into my supervisor's office to give him my 2 week notice. I love my current job that much. Talking with three different people about strengths and weaknesses for several hours proved to be draining, so I stayed in that night and watched the boob tube. On Saturday I went to Delilah's and the Lincoln Tap Room, where I treated myself to a good number of Warsteiners and some Bud Light. God bless those $2 Warsteiners and $5 (!!!) pitchers of Bud Light. The conversation, just like every other weekend, centered on weiners and WB dramas. I'm an admitted "Everwood" hater, but can't resist the sinister charms of "7th Heaven." Later in the night I made plans for next weekend with Blind Date GirlTM from a few weekends back. Sunday consisted of the usual sit around/eat nachos/read the paper/work out/watch Telemundo/send text messages that just say "pooper"/think about how much I hate my job/play air bass to Les Savy Fav/change the channel to Fox/watch Simpsons and Arrested Development/sleep cycle.


I like the fast girls best and I think she likes me too

Apparently there are some problems with blogger so we have no new writers for now. : (

For the first time in ages, I was hit on by a girl. I was pretty oblivious to it all because she was intoxicated and saying the usual drunken compliments. She just recently started seeing a friend of mine so I've met this girl about three times thus far. Anyway, while my friend was around and about, I kept her propped up against the fridge so she wouldn’t fall over.

After hearing repeatedly that I was “so nice and so cool” our conversation continues as follows:

Girl: Do you want to have a good time tonight?
Me: I always have a good time.
Girl: No, I mean a good time.
Me: What do you mean?
Girl: You know . . . a good time.
Me: Oh.

So that was Friday.

The rest of my weekend was really nice as well. I got to spend pretty much the whole time with Matt, which has become a wonderful constant to my weekends.

Today I’m going to try to get some actual work done at home – working on some prints, cleaning, doing laundry- all the stuff that I tend to avoid throughout the weekend.

How was everyone else’s weekend?

Thursday, January 08, 2004


I'm alright, alright.

Can someone tell me why I am still at work?

Mike, it seems like you had a pretty eventful time off. Has your week back been as hellish as mine? Actually, It's hasn't been all that bad besides the whole getting up in the morning part. Once I'm here, the transition from wake up to work mode takes me a little longer than usual, but for the most part, it's been going smoothly.

I hope this is cool with everyone, but I thought for the new year, we could have yet another new voice for the blog. Hopefully, he'll chime in soon.

Here is a picture of me that rules and I like to share. I call it "self-portrait on copy stand". It's on my buddy Jon's website. Oh, I just realized something. It's not labeled with my name. It's on the last row, first picture.

I 'm not sure why I have an obsession with Ninja's lately, actually I think that it has to be due to Kill Bill. After that movie, all I wanted to do is go out and kick ass. That's why Matt rules as a special man friend. He got me a blow dart gun for Christmas. It's called "the Predator". Awesome. On the same note, I bouught Matt a training Ninja sword called a Bokken. Here is part of the decription of sword.

The reasons for this are that a Bokken is lighter and easier to carry, there is no risk of cutting oneself, Bokken are very easy to camouflage since they can be stained or painted, and, when using proper techniques, a Bokken can easily break bones and damage internal organs.

I guess you can call it a Ninja Christmas.

Well, I have to meet up with Beck and Christie tonight, so I'm off.

Tuesday, January 06, 2004


"Woo!" - Lionel Richie, intro part to Dancing on the Ceiling

What have I been up to? Hmm...since my last report, I had an excellent Christmas with the whole family in Glen Ellyn. I got to see my youngest nephew for the first time, which ruled. Gifts were torn open, several pumpkin pies were eaten, and brother vs. brother wrestling matches were conducted. I didn't get too many exciting gifts other than money (which I'm very thankful for), but my oldest niece got this awesome Disney karaoke set that enables you to change the pitch of your voice while singing your choice of 20 Disney classics. My brother Brian and I entertained the family with a powerful duet of "A Whole New World." There wasn't a dry eye in the house. For New Year's Eve I made it to three parties - the first was some former classmates of my roommate who live in my 'hood, the second was a party hosted by some guys I met through the CMJ Bulletin Board that I frequently visited at my old job where I did nothing all day and needed to kill some time, and the third was the party of Corey and Corey from bowling. Yes, I have two friends named Corey who happen to live with one another. During this whole time my old roomate Ryan (who now lives in Berkeley) was staying with me, so we got in some quality hanging-out time. Last Friday was Crapple, where I managed to win a nice chess/checkers set with only $1 in tickets. It's currently sitting in the apartment of The Crapple KingsTM, Mark and Matt. On Saturday I strolled through the majority of Lakeview and Lincoln Park with this awesome girl named Caroline who I'll probably never see again because she lives in DC. That's life, I guess. On Sunday I sat on my ass and watched part of a terrible Scott Baio movie. This morning it took 19 (19!?!) tries to finally start my car. I have an interview on Friday for a job in Lombard that better pay more than my current one.

I have nothing planned for this weekend, so we should all hang out and have a drink or seventeen. Let me know what your schedules look like.

Number of times a co-worker has said "Sometimes I just want to stab you in the face!" to me in the last week: 1

Monday, January 05, 2004


vision tunnled: mission street hunger beat - lodged out as the engine wheezed, still moving regardless of stable ground - and this stable ground.

Well, I'm back at work and back from two wonderful, and yes, unproductive weeks off. (no thesis paper even thought of.)

I spent Christmas in Vegas, and on a whim, traveled to New York for New Years Eve. I just got back on Saturday at around 5 in the morning. It was a straight 14 hours of driving with the last 4 seeming like a dream.

My transition into the real world this morning (aka - not going to bed at 5 am every night and waking up somewhere in the middle of the afternoon) was really rough. I had a bunch of crazy dreams that woke me up periodically through the night, which didn't help the fact that I finally got to bed late to begin with.

I haven't accomplished much today besides organizing all my shit for the week, but I guess that is something, right?

What has everyone been up to? I can pretty much say I know roughly what 4/5 of this blog has been doing, so Mike, fill us in. Christie, I know you haven't written in awhile, but come on, don't you think you have a reason?

Back later.