breaking the back of love
Oh, we're ready for you Greg. I've got my Reebok Pumps all laced up (I don't even know what that's supposed to mean, so don't think about it too much). Anyhoo, I've been a little delinquent lately, too. Is it because I'm celebrating a new freakin' job that I haven't started yet? Yes, I believe that's the reason. I only have three days left at the current gig, so I've been slacking like a madman. Today I created a Powerpoint presentation (to be unveiled Tuesday morning) featuring the likes if Emmanuel Lewis, David Hasselhoff, and Gary Coleman. If anyone understands the ins and outs of financial aid, it's Webster himself.
Neintown Still? Now there's a blast from the past. I couldn't tell you what they sounded like, but I'm sure I caught them at one of those annual outdoor "jam" events down in Champaign - back in the good old days, when rent was $200 a month and beer was $.25. I miss those C-U bargains.
Crapple is happening again - one week from tomorrow, to be exact. It should be quite the blowout this time, thanks to the presense of my brother and the "coolest Crapple prize ever" (according to the bartender). I hope to see you all there.
In the last 2 weeks, I've had 5 potential roommates bail on me at the last moment. If you know of anyone looking for a spacious place in Lincoln Square, send them my way. I'm getting desperate.