Wednesday, September 28, 2005


I never did make it to the Renegade Craft Fair.

I did however get stuck in a rainstorm just as I was about to walk a couple of blocks to go get coffee. My luck.

I have temporarily taken a break for looking for another job. Just this week, I promise. I got a call for an interview in two weeks for a pretty sweet position as a gallery assistant (meaning full time and very good pay). My guess is that I am not the only one being interviewed, so I have to be at my best. It's like a competition: who can charm the pants off the new employer first. I hate competitions. Hate them. When I was in grammar school, all the kids would be timed for the 50 yard dash and whatever other races there are for the big grammar school competition. I would purposely run slower so I wouldn't be chosen to compete against the other grammar schools. I used to run so fast, and then when I got picked in 4th grade and faked being sick not to have to run, every year afterwards I just ran slower. I don't like winning and I don't like losing, unless it's on purpose. . . .and maybe if the game is "Sorry". In which case, I love to win at "Sorry."

My point is, I want the job and I’ll do my best to get it. I just wish I was the only person they called in for an interview because they looked at my resume, realized that I was the only one appropriate for the job and just wanted to meet me in person just to make sure I was as awesome as they expected. Is that so wrong?

Tonight there are two wonderful episodes of "Lost." Don't try and phone me between the hours of 7 pm and 9 pm. Thanks.

Saturday, September 24, 2005


A quick post for your reading enjoyment.

I saw the Girly Q Variety Show which is a slightly classier Burlesque show than the Suicide girls (meaning no chocolate syrup and spitting beer at the crowd with duct taped nipples) because there were other acts as well as proper nipple guards! Anyway, besides this AMAZING belly dancer (seriously, she was mesmerizing) and fan dancer, and a very funny commentary about Romance novels, I will say that Midwestern girls are jiggly (including myself.)

Off to the Renegade Craft Fair in Wicker Park.

Friday, September 23, 2005


Be prepared: there is no topic for this post.

Well, I'm still job hunting for something besides this part time gallery gig. I do really like the gallery and owner, so at least I am doing something enjoyable. However, there are two things I wish I could change about the job: 1) I wish it wasn't part time. 2) I wish that I didn't have to work on this crappy Dell Laptop and check our e-mail on dial-up! AOL. I hate both of these companies! and dial-up. It's sooooo slow.

Funny enough, on my second day, I ran the gallery myself because the owner was out of town. She told me that if anyone messed with me (meaning some wierdo comes into the gallery and makes me uncomfortable), I should either pick up the phone and pretend to call someone or if worse came to worse, pull out the hammer we have at the gallery to hang paintings. Now, I don't know how I feel about hitting someone with a hammer if a person was threating me. It's seems a little brutal, doesn't it? Using a stapler or keyboard seems crafty, whereas a hammer almost seems premeditated. Anyway, no one came in and bothered me, so I didn't have to use any makeshift weapons.

I've been feeling a bit down lately. I had this great job and a nice place to live in California and I bitched about it. Now I am back home, in a very nice place, mind you, but I can't find a job to save my life. I've called every gallery, I've even applied for receptionist work and yet, nothing. I keep staring at my resume thinking I put the wrong phone number on there. Am I over qualified? Does my cover letter suck? What am I doing wrong? I didn't want to apply at a temp agency, but it looks like I'll have to. I need cash and bad!

Tonight, we are going to some Burlesque show at the Hot House. Matt's friend is in it, and luckily, fitting into "Budget Mode" we got on the guest list. I'm expecting a lot of duct tape and thongs, but maybe I'm thinking more Suicide Girls and less actual burlesque.

Speaking of Suicide Girls, Matt and my dear friend from California, Mike Marshall, documented the first tour of the Suicide Girls and it is now out on DVD. Please buy this and support Mike and his fabulous filmaking. Not only that, but Mike picked all the bands and music for the movie as well. There are some great songs on the DVD and it's well worth having.

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Matt, Mike and I at the birthday/going away party. More pictures to come!

Monday, September 19, 2005


Not bad, I guess. . .

So after going to that horrible, joke* of an interview last week at the rock n roll environment place, I came back and asked myself a few questions: Do I want to be someone's coffee getting bitch? Do I just want to get any old job just so I can pay the bills? I came to the conclusion that, no I didn't want to do either of these If I couldn't help it. So, I headed down to the River North Gallery district and within an hour of me being there, got myself a part time job at a painting gallery. Take that.

I am still looking for a full time gig or another part time one to make my schedule complete.

I went to apple fest this weekend and had the best piece of apple pie ever. Then, because Matt and I are in what we call "Budget Mode" we went home and read books. Then later, we read on the internet how to pick locks.

I am dying to by a new pair of shoes. God, I need another job!

*joke equals loud, really bad club music in the reception area while I waited for my interview. Then meeting my interviewer and trying to control my laughter because he looked like he was straight out of "A Night at the Roxbury." The interview consisted of him talking about his crappy graphic design/advertising firm (every wonder who designs those packets for those guys who stand by college campuses trying to sell spa packages? Bingo!) and him asking me about two questions about myself.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

I am sooooo bored! I just flipped on the tele to find a very old Bon Jovi performing two terrible songs. Apparently, I turned on the "World Music Awards" and during the past 5 minutes I've watched, it's been all American music. hmmm.

Bored. and hot.


And the job search begins!!!

I gave myself a week to get unpacked, settled and comfortable. Yesterday, I felt sick (goddamn allergies!) so I took that off as well. Today, I set up a game plan for the week (galleries to hit according to neighborhood and the day of the week to go there) and then randomly searched around Craig's List for a job. I found one that said "Rock N Roll Atmosphere" so out of bordom applied and basically wrote this cheesy cover letter about how I love fast paced, fun and friendly environments. I was called back 5 minutes after I sent the e-mail. I never really thought that sort of thing works, you know, sucking up and acting all crazy enthusiatic about some crappy phone answering job, but apparently, I was wrong. I was asked for an interview, which I will go to so at least I feel semi productive in my search.

I wish it would rain so the temperature outside would drop and our apartment would cool down. We finally got a fan Sunday night and at least, our bedroom is tolerable to sleep in now. This is except when some guy comes at 6 am to power wash our neighbors brick wall. Or when the garbage man comes everyday!!! to pick up the trash and scares the cats so badly that they won't come back in the bedroom until the truck is gone. I am also tired of sun. Go away and be overcast.

Wish me luck at the rock n roll job.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005


You know, for being unemployed, you would think I'd be writing a whole lot more.

Currently I am wrestling with an Target armoire that will soon house our TV set. I swear, it's like they purposely make it so the parts don't fit together. Everything is going smoothly and BAM! on stupid hole is slightly off and you have to finagle everything into place. Grr to Target for having affordable, slightly cool stuff that sucks to put together.

We actually haven't plugged in our larger TV set for over a year. In Venice, it sat at the bottom of a large closet under a drum kit. Matt and I joke about how we are too lazy to actually plug it in, but in all reality, we are too lazy and haven't checked to see if it works. So, this stupid armoire may turn out to be a home for a broken tv set.

Matt has started classes at DePaul so he is gone for the night. I had plans to watch Lost on the big TV in the new armoire, but it's almost time for Lost and nothing is ready for me to view it on.

Matt and I went to Ikea yesterday on an empty stomach so we decided to try the cafe. I've never eaten there before, probably because I think it is weird to eat at a furniture store, but hell, we were hungry, so we got this potato medley thing (good) with apricot sauce (good) and sick hot pink beets (sick!) on the side. The server asked me if I wanted the beets and I agreed, but they were horrible. I nearly vomited up the small portion I put in my mouth. Gross!!! Then we bought a lamp for $5.99 and went home. All in a days work.

Friday, September 02, 2005


I'm home! And moved in! and totally exhausted. I cannot imagine moving again. Unless a condo physically falls into my lap, I will not be moving anywhere for awhile.

The trip home was very sucessful - no car troubles, no rain storms, just smooth, but highly expensive, sailing from LA to Chicago. Gas prices are insane. You already know this so I won't reiterate it.

Like I said, I'm pretty tired. And I'm sore too. Looks like I should be working out more regularly. Anyway, that's all for now. I have a date with city hall (city sticker/parking permit) today and I should probably do it early so I can finish unpacking.