Yesterday, while at the gallery, I got a phone call from a high school teacher who wanted to read a paper written by one of her students to me. She had let her students out in the River North Gallery district to write a paper about an artist that interested them. He wrote a paper about our featured artist this exhibition. As she started to read the paper, I could see why she was concerned. He had copied my press release nearly word for word. Although it's horrible that he had to copy my press release to write a paper, I couldn't help but be a little pleased. I mean, he picked my press release. That must be saying something, right?
The wedding this weekend was fantastic. The only thing that could have been better was the speech by the Best Man. It was very similar to this. "Hi, I am "enter name here." I have known Bob for a long time. I like Bob. I like Anne. I like Anne and Bob as a couple. Thank you." It was about 6 sentences long. He didn't even say congrats. Weak.
As you have probably come to expect, I will post some pictures even if you are interested or not. I hope all had a nice memorial day weekend. I'm just thankful the temperature finally dropped because it was crazy hot in our apartment. Huzzah to rain!
The happy couple! Congrats to Anne and Bob!

Greg and Chris.

The Becks commercial - Greg, Jared and Matt with Senor Beard (my name for his beard).

Chris (looking either terrified or sick) and I.