Wednesday, October 30, 2002


Christie, Thanks for getting my back for the posters.

Also I just had to say that I have heard of these progressive dinners where you go to different people's houses for different courses, but I have never heard of it utilizing fast food restaurants! That is so much cooler than having some stupid casserole that someones mom made, but definitely not as good for your tummy.

should we have food for the party?

rock on with your socks on

your party was indeed awesome jen. i was very hung over for the wedding the next day, and then more hung over for the sunday the day after the wedding. i'm not making any sense.

in the spirit of party's, me and becky are throwing a birthday extravaganza to celebrate getting old and tired. the party's next saturday, you're all invited. hit me up for the details. did i really just type "hit me up"? i'm slipping.

also you're all invited to see me play the baritone saxophone, a reasonable approximation of a hammond organ and my tired and tattered vocal chords at the elbo room on saturday. show starts at 10, and we play first. come on, you know you wanna go.

i went to the dentist today. i hate the dentist. especially when i've got cavities. i don't mind the drilling so much. it's when they stick that damn novocain needle in my gum. that's what gets me. makes me feel like they're performing some kind of evil ritual or something. it's no good. no good i say.

Tuesday, October 29, 2002


Well, I was quite sad that I had to miss the party on Friday night, but alas, I was entertaining myself!

Janice came in on Thursday night and we went to Alberto's Cantina but there was no serenading going on that night :(. Friday we went to Berkeley - watched a really wierd wedding rehearsal in the Rose Garden and went shopping on Telegraph. We got wool hats from the Berkeley hat shop (I was going to get Gant a pink cowboy hat, but they were all out!)

Anyways, it was a fun weekend - Sunday I got some free tickets to Neil Young's Bridge school benefit concert so that was quite an event. We didn't stay for the whole time, but I did get offered alot of chocolate with mushrooms (eww, gross!). I was glad I didn't try to forge this one by myself.

I do have some bad news...I have TMJ so my jaw hurts alot. But I have good news that I will by flying to Chicago on Saturday! I did hear that there are some rock concert conflicts, so I am sorry that I will miss Mike's show......

see you all soon :)

Monday, October 28, 2002


Answer to Friday's question. . .

Satan was obviously at my house on Friday night. . . the party left my house a mess, along with a broken pint glass that I stepped on the next morning. BOO. But I had a really great time so YAY! I guess I'm at a loss for words.

Thanks for stopping by! and thanks for trying!

I'm kinda running out of time to write, hopefully I can post better tomorrow.

Miss. la-bora-tory, how was Vegas?

Becky, what were you up to?

Friday, October 25, 2002


Can anyone answer this question for me?

Sorry, I had to put this picture in here only because I made it.

Tonight is my Costume/Halloween Party. Hopefully, we will get some blog visitors too. I still have a lot that I want to do before the party, such as perfect my hellish outfit and tidy up the house some. I know it seems weird to clean before a party, but really, when I speak of cleaning it mostly consists of putting away all the musical instruments laying around the house and moving my little i-mac into my room for safe keeping.

That and I'm anal about cleaning. ok?!?!

I don’t have too much more to say. I guess I’ll just see you later.

Thursday, October 24, 2002

North Scoville

need sleep. or beer. i think i'll get the latter later on tonight. i am indeed going to Jenn's halloween party. i was gonna get dressed up, but i haven't gotten anything for my costume yet. it's true i only need tight black pants, a tight black shirt a crappy old boom box and a Kraftwerk tape, but i haven't had time to assemble those yet.

so you dropped off your stuff at the tribune today Brian? did you feel that water hitting your head? that was me spitting on you from my perch high above and to the right of the tribune tower. i once saw someone committ suicide by jumping from the 20th or so floor of the tribune tower. very bizarre. it only warrented 3 lines in the next day's paper.

Wednesday, October 23, 2002


Don't remind me of my failures, I haven't forgotten them

Hi everybody!

Lots of fun stuff going on recently! Last week I journied into Oakland to see Mates of State and they rocked! Too bad the show included some very strange performances one of them being by a guy who called himself Snowsuit and pretty much stood up there with a Discman on chair that played really loud music and he ran around the audience and yelled every so-often. He "played" about 4 songs, about 35 seconds each. wierd.

anyways, I was in lovely willowbrook this week so I was happy, but I have to head out tomorrow. not too much time to talk. but last night I went to this restaurant in the loop called Frontera Grill. And I met the chef, Rick Bayless, who is really cool and has a show on TV where he shows you how to make yummy mexican food. yay!

Tuesday, October 22, 2002


jeepers creepers, where'd you get those peepers

I can't write much because I don't have much time to spare. Anyway, I'd like to add to my horror movie reviews by commenting on the movie that we saw last night after everyone left*, "Jeepers Creepers." My, oh my how did it suck, you ask? Well, what started out with a plotline that could have made a scary movie, turned into this cheesy story about this monster that feeds off of people for 23 days or something like that. The even weaker part of the plot is this psychic that attempts to save the two young people who are being chased by this creature. The best is when she starts singing the above jeepers creepers song to make them believe her. Suck, suck suck. I want one good horror movie before Halloween. Is that too much to ask?

Speaking of Halloween, there will be a rather large Halloween Costume Party at my house this Friday. Now, all I need is a costume.

*Band practice + chili=fun. It was really good seeing Becky too! I wish you could come to the party. Somebody e-mail Greg about his hat. He will gladly tell you about it.

Friday, October 18, 2002

My bet's still on the bear, even though Brian did point out some good strategy.

As for flamingo and farret, hmmm - maybe we need different and more viscous animals in there. Flamingos just. . . hang out.

PS. He made the shark go "chomp, chomp."

One more thing. . .

I kid you not. I'm just about to send back a proposal for a traveling exhibition called "Photographs, Airplanes and Sheep." Sheep. Really. Sometimes, I wonder why I'm not a fucking famous photographer by now.

Brian: Lion versus alligator. Who would win?


I've seen the end of the day come too soon

I bought the new Beck on Monday and I can't get enough of it. Last week, hmm, maybe Thursday night, I saw Beck on Conan where he played "Lost Cause" - just his cute little self and his guitar. It really did stick in my mind. The whole cd is beautiful, haunting and melodic, which is far departure from Midnite Vultures- which I love more than anything, don't get me wrong. Anyway, go buy it, because it rules and because I say so.

Today, I am in the upstairs office of the museum, working on entering reports into the database and sending back portfolios from this week’s portfolio review. The entering reports thing is a brand new task that I have just acquired. It's not the most interesting job in the world, but it's important for me to know if I like to be a registrar one day. AND because I change my mind about what profession I want to be in every single day, it's good to know a bunch of different tasks.

Last week, we rented "The Calling" and this week, it was "The Forsaken." (Notice how we like simple titles?) The only reason we rented it was because, as it said on the box, it is "more sexy and entertaining then 'The Lost Boys.'" Now, I know "the Lost Boys" is a terribly cheesy movie (especially with the appearances of the two Corey’s -Feldman and Haim- I think that's how you spell them) but, it was one of the first scary movies I was allowed to watch. I actually own a copy. All I know is that it is nowhere near more entertaining, and if you call gratuitous shots of boobs, sexy, then I guess this much is true. It's like a video to a metal song. Yeah. There are two more weeks to Halloween, which means two more reviews!

Lot's of typing to do for work. Sorry to abandon the blog like I did. I'll try to make sure it doesn't happen again.

Wednesday, October 16, 2002

photographs of the best times we've had

looks like all the other bloggers abandonned me. brian should return soon from ireland with some stories. i absolutely despise work right now. i really want to punch this smug bitch. if no one is good enough to use her system she should do the damn thing herself. go to hell.

sorry about the rage. i'm trying to clear my head with death cab at far too many decibles.

Monday, October 14, 2002

are you ready for some football!?!?!!

i like monday night football. i also like having everyone over for monday night football. i feel like i'm one of those overweight guys on some sitcom on tv, drinking a beer so that the label is turned away from the camera so no one knows what i'm having. good time.

saturday was the bachelor party of one of my band's guitarists. bachelor parties are always fun and funny, but my favorite part of this one must have been when i was having a long conversation with the completely naked stripper about the new jerry seinfeld documentary, until we were interrupted by some guy wanting to lick whip cream off her boobies for $20. ahh strippers. so bizarre.

Friday, October 11, 2002


Hey, Christie - great idea!! I was so upset over the lack of posters in April that I really really need to have the fridge at my next party. I know he did a commercial for KFC once so maybe he could bring the food!

have a great time up north y'all!


They kill for Satan's child*

Excellent review! I've always wished that I could speak to William Perry in person and now I can! Too bad I have to purchase 99 bucks of his merchandise. . .

This week flew by once again. I had a critique on Thursday that went so well, which made me feel better about my work, and proved to myself that I definitly did not deserve that grade. . . Uh. I promised myself that I wouldn't "stew" over the topic like I have a habit to do.

This past Wednesday, my house had a rommie's night out sort of thing - we went out to dinner then got a movie. We rented "The Calling" which looked like a scary movie of sorts (*Look at the catch sloan above- killing for Satan? What's better than that?) Anyway there is this ridiculous Rave-esque scene in it that makes little to no sense. You know when you have to ask yourself out loud "What?!?" that it obviously wasn't what you expected or that it just didn't belong. My really big question about the movie is who wrote the song that played during the first half of the credits? I've heard it before and I like it. It's just that by time the movie was over, I was too sleepy to wait until the end of the credits and now we returned it and I don't know who made the song. If you know for some odd reason, write me and let me know, ok?

This weekend the "group," if you will, is headed up to Peter's Wisconsin cabin. I left before the nakedness of last time, but I was promised more (go figure).

I think I'm done working for the day. Yup. Definitly done.

they blew up the chicken man in philly last night

i don't know what it is. but it hurts me. i feel like i can know about this, even though i know i can't. good old Bruce.

tonight's the night for sleeping and reading. maybe a cigarette. maybe not. but mostly sleeping and reading. have a good weekend all. i'll write more tonight.

Thursday, October 10, 2002

did you call the number? i'm calling it right now . . . it's not the exciting. the guy just answers the phone "Good Afternoon, William Perry's office. Can I help you?" He could have at least called it the fridge's office.


Wednesday, October 09, 2002


Hi Everybody!!

I know it has been along time - I have not been a good blogger.

But anyways, there have been some fun times lately. Like the sorry tournament and un-packing my parents kitchen in their new house.

Work has been a little stressful lately, but I'm trying to get through the next few months so that I can just move home!

Yesterday I found out from my dear friend Nancy that one of the most beloved characters in one of my favorite movies, Best in Show, a Mr. Harlan Pepper, was really a character in a bad lifetime movie from a few years ago in which the lady that played the lesbian dog trainer played a laywer for a schizo mother (played by none other than Sarah Jessica Parker). Harlan Pepper was the name of her husband. Does this make any sense?

I need more coffee. Next trip to Chicago: November 1st.

Tuesday, October 08, 2002


We are the Bears shuffling crew. Shuffling on down, doin' it for you.

Shouldn't it be more like, "we are a sloppy team when we are under pressure"? Anyway, I have the 7" for the Super Bowl Shuffle. It's still a favorite of mine because it is too cheesy to bear.

Bears very sadly lose. Boo. Brian, if you were here what would you have done? Probably kill Nate, my Wisconsin boyfriend/Packers Fan. I'm not a traitor, I promise! I was actually hoping to give a litle review of "The," the web page that "The Refridgerator" Perry was shameless promoting last night during his half time interview, but alas, I have no time. I'm working on a budget for my public art class, and getting together a shitload of new images for seminar Thursday. Christie, I expect a full report on the website once you don't have your new office neighbor bothering you every other second.

Friday, I finally had the meeting that I had been waiting for most of my summer. I actually promised that I wouldn't let too much of our conversation out, so I won't (unless you ask me for the personal details and are not a Columbia Student!) I will tell you that he could NOT change my grade, due to "inter-departmental politics." He did basically say "If candidacy goes well, then you don't have to worry about the grade." So, I think that's good, or at least all I can hope for right now.

Candidacy, for those that are curious, is at the end of Novemeber for me. I have to present my work to the department (with the teacher that gave me the bad grade included) to prove that I am moving at the pace that they had hoped. I'm really not too worried about it now, but I'm so sure that it will catch up with me soon.

Dinner is done, so I'm going to go and eat it.

Friday, October 04, 2002


You were wrong when you said everything's gonna be alright

Friday already? This week has flown by me. It's only my second week back at school and I'm left with little time to think about anything else. This semester seems to be progressing in a postive manner, which is extremely important after how my lasr semester ended. I'm not sure if anyone remembers this from June, but I was given a C in a class that I didn't deserve to get only because the teacher and I had personal differences. Well anyway, after a nice long summer to calm down and being avoided, I was finally approached to talk about this problem. Today, I have a meeting at 1:30 to present my case, and I can only hope that this will change my grade to what I really should have gotten.

Beside that, I had a wonderful morning walking in the rain. Fot the most part I love rain, especially right before bedtime or on a night where all you want to do is stay in anyway. . . The only bad thing is when you are already late for work, the trains are backed up and the umbrella you are holding doesn't protect you from the rain that is moving sideways. Oh, and you get one sock wet. Not both, but just the tip of one. I hate that feeling. I wish I could be at home knitting. . . That's right, I mean what I said. Knitting. All of my grandchildren approve.

I actually took up knitting because I really want to make my own scarf. I'm still pretty bad at it, but I just started on Monday.

That's pretty much all for now - or at least until I can remember that story I wanted to write.

Thursday, October 03, 2002

our interweb is sketchy at best today. sorry about the lack of updates today, but in a salute to ATR:

i got up.
i went to work.
i didn't like work.
i went home and read books.
i listened to cds.
i went to bed.

sorry about the patheticness of that.