"School bully not so tough since being molested." *
Sorry that I haven't been around that much this week. I just got a bunch of new responsibilities at the museum, and I really don't get to e-mail or blog as much as last week. I think the main staff at the museum no longer feels sorry for me because I'm feeling much better! I don't think anyone wanted to be to near to me because I was coughing a lot.
I'm in a pretty good mood today. Yesterday was an all around good day; my digital project went over well, I bought a brand new light meter that rocks my photo world and I had a great time at dinner with my friend, Brian. We went to Wishbone, which is an excellent restaurant to go to if you are also a Chicago dweller. I had a Leinie's Red and it came with the best pint glass ever. It has a picture of a muskie on it! Anyway, because I frequent Wishbone quite a bit, I didn't want to take the glass. So, I asked the waitress if I could pay for it and all she said was, "I didn't see anything." Now that's service.
Later I went to Gunther Murphy's for my friend's 21st birthday. I haven't been in there in ages, but the bartender recognized me. That was pretty cool.
So that's pretty much what I've been up to.
I just had grad seminar and I'm not sure if I like my professor. We got off to a bad start last week, and I really don't think her attitude towards me has changed much. It's going to suck this semester if she keeps acting this way. I really don't like being called a "free-loader" especially when that is not what I'm doing. Ok, she didn't directly call me that, but I honestly believe that it was implied towards me. It's kind of a long story, so I won't get into it. Basically, to make a long story short, she blows.
Tonight, there is a show at the Empty bottle that seems interesting. Lots of side projects going on. Uh, I forgot the names. . .
I really want to go to wings at Fizz (like usual) though. It's been a long time since I've been there in a healthy mode.
Ok, I'm going to go. Hopefully, I'll be around tomorrow.
* I wish I had my italics!!! Please check out this weeks Onion. This quote (of the day) comes from there.