Thursday, February 28, 2002


"School bully not so tough since being molested." *

Sorry that I haven't been around that much this week. I just got a bunch of new responsibilities at the museum, and I really don't get to e-mail or blog as much as last week. I think the main staff at the museum no longer feels sorry for me because I'm feeling much better! I don't think anyone wanted to be to near to me because I was coughing a lot.

I'm in a pretty good mood today. Yesterday was an all around good day; my digital project went over well, I bought a brand new light meter that rocks my photo world and I had a great time at dinner with my friend, Brian. We went to Wishbone, which is an excellent restaurant to go to if you are also a Chicago dweller. I had a Leinie's Red and it came with the best pint glass ever. It has a picture of a muskie on it! Anyway, because I frequent Wishbone quite a bit, I didn't want to take the glass. So, I asked the waitress if I could pay for it and all she said was, "I didn't see anything." Now that's service.

Later I went to Gunther Murphy's for my friend's 21st birthday. I haven't been in there in ages, but the bartender recognized me. That was pretty cool.

So that's pretty much what I've been up to.

I just had grad seminar and I'm not sure if I like my professor. We got off to a bad start last week, and I really don't think her attitude towards me has changed much. It's going to suck this semester if she keeps acting this way. I really don't like being called a "free-loader" especially when that is not what I'm doing. Ok, she didn't directly call me that, but I honestly believe that it was implied towards me. It's kind of a long story, so I won't get into it. Basically, to make a long story short, she blows.

Tonight, there is a show at the Empty bottle that seems interesting. Lots of side projects going on. Uh, I forgot the names. . .

I really want to go to wings at Fizz (like usual) though. It's been a long time since I've been there in a healthy mode.

Ok, I'm going to go. Hopefully, I'll be around tomorrow.

* I wish I had my italics!!! Please check out this weeks Onion. This quote (of the day) comes from there.


Yes, its true I did watch part of the grammy's. but only part, I swear!

I have a secret liking of the Lady Marmalade song, especially with patti labelle and I wanted to see the performance of the medley of songs from O Brother Where Art Thou, which was excellent I have to say-after the song ended the camera panned over to Jon Stewart playing a jug that said "XXX" on it and you could tell that during the bit he realized that and improvised some joke about moonshine and porn. I laughed.

But the funniest thing I saw on the show was when they were showing pictures of people who won awards that were already given out before the show, they showed an award won by Radiohead and Thom Yorke looked like he hadn't bathed/shaved/cleaned in years and had the best "I don't give a rats arse" look on his face.....gotta love it.

Wednesday, February 27, 2002

So I actually made it to the library last night, got a library card and checked out some books. Let me know if you have any recommendations for reading material. I did see this one book that I almost checked out cause the name was so funny Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Crime.


Yeah, I am at work and its wednesday and I'm ready for the week to be over but whatever....

Yoga was rockin last night. The bad weather kept alot of people away so we had a nice small class with Crazy Mary who is very excited about her upcoming weekend workshop. We worked on headstands, but this time she did not let us use the wall. I didn't get too far, but Jen got almost up there and then fell and we all applauded because that is what you are supposed to do, fall.

I just ate my free "Pria" bar that Mary handed out last night. Its the latest concoction from Powerbar with the catchphrase "What inspires you?" Therefore it must be meant for people who do yoga, right?

I'm really hoping to get new shoes tonight-after the longest walk of my life on the nicest day ever (last sunday which seems worlds away considering how it is right now) I got major blisters cause my shoes were too small. smart, huh?

Tuesday, February 26, 2002


Here's to shutting up.

Shoot. I broke a nail. I hate when that happens.

Yeah, so I'm at work today. Pretty cool.

Snow sucks. It doesn't really suck, but I just don't want it anymore. Time for it to be warm and spring-like, don't you think?

OH! so yay! we got the albums in! (ok, not really me, but sometimes I feel apart of the "we.") I have four in my possesion right now, four, individually wrapped little treasures. I say this because it is really cool to have your art packaged and ready to face the world. If you are interested in picking up your own treasure, e-mail Greg!

As a pre-cd-release party, we (actually meaning, Greg, Beck and Gant in this context) had some curry fries and beer at Gingers. Then Gant and I staggered home and had some Baileys. Gant also knocked over my favorite plant in our living room. It is now missing a limb. So sad. : ( So yeah, I overslept today. Note to self: drinking on a Monday = bad.

I'm outta here in ten minutes. Time to clean up and get home. Retouch man awaits my final touch!

Monday, February 25, 2002


Does it get any better than yesterday? what a great day!!

Speaking of The Shining, it turns out that my friend Amit just recently visited Portland and went skiing at the resort that was used for the that movie. I guess that the inside is totally different but the outside is unmistakable. creepy.

On the home front, it looks like the cubbies are going to be doing some renovations that look pretty cool. and sammy says he is "in the house" which must be a good thing. If I'm not going broke from weddings and travelling this summer it will be due to baseball (meaning the all-inclusive sense of the word = game, beer, hotdog, peanuts, etc.)

Are you In The House?

Sunday, February 24, 2002


All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

Right now, I'm at Pat's parents house, watching the Shining, all by my lonesome. Pat went out with some friends that I'm just not up to seeing. Besides! Look at the time! It's practically 1:30. There's no way that I'm going to bed at 4 (when I know Pat will get back)or so, not when I have retouch man to deal with tomorrow. He is seriously kicking my ass. Pat tried to take a stab at him today and he ended up looking ike a disfigured burn victim. I love photoshop though. That rubber stamp tool is amazing. Yes, I am a full fledge computer dork.

I just got an e-mail from Ethan in Boston. It looks like someone has my band name of Tastes like Burning. Bastards!!!! He thinks they probably suck. Hopefully, they'll break up or something and then I can take the name for myself and made up band. I'd really hate to resort to the name of Sweet Penis, which is Greg, Gant and my made up band. We do rock. Greg has a great metal voice.

Right now Jack is being dragged into the freezer. This movie definitly has some scary parts, but there are some parts that just don't translate well from book to movie. Like those people dressed up as large animals. It's such a stupid part of the movie. Just leave it out! If you can't make it make sense, don't put it in!!! This is a great rule of thumb for aspiring movie makers!

I've done absolutely nothing exciting this weekend. I went to Target and got a new phone for my room and a bigger pot for my Ivy plant. Then I got extremely pissed off in Circut city because it was about 90 degrees in there and Pat had to look at all this stupid computer shit that he already has anyway. I will never get that about guys. Why does looking at the specs for some video card matter? You already have one that rocks, be happy with it!

Ooooohhhh, we are already at the "redrum" part. So scary! Doesn't Jack bust in soon? I'm right!!

Ok, I'm going to go. I think I'm going to call my friend Dave in LA. That's the nice thing about having friends in California; they are up when you are. Hmmm, does that make any sense?

Friday, February 22, 2002


I declare today "Snow Day." The best day in the history of Springfield.

Does anyone remember this Simpsons? It's actually called "Bart gets and F" which is also the one and only Simpsons tape that I actually purchased and own. Anyway there's another brilliant line that I love to quote, "Look everyone, John Hancock's writing his name in the snow." I still laugh when I hear that one.

Anyway, I bring up this quote today because I declared today "Do anything you want to do today" day at work. And guess what I've done? Exactly what I want to do. I've done some reading, hung out with the other Grad students here- Brian and Tom- and then I copied stuff. I really didn't want to do the copy stuff, but I figured that I should.

So I'm reading the Reader today and stumbled across this one in the Savage Love section (in the classifieds.) I couldn't even believe the first line. ..

I'm 57 years old, and I can't get pussy.

Who writes this stuff? Let's continue.

I am kinky, bold, and tattooed all over. I am looking for a young kinky female, bi would be nice, someone that likes strange things. Where are the young women who might be interested in me?

The answer Dan Savage gave? Nevada.

There is another question I'd like to write, but it's way more graphic. yuck. Just read the Reader and get back to me.

Last night was cool, and I'm so glad that I finally went out. Of course, the band was fun as usual and they definitly lifted my spirits - even if Katz kept saying, "Jen thinks I have a sweet ass!" That is the last time I'm going to give anyone one of those Altoid valentine postcards that you can pick up at pretty much any bar. If you haven't seen them yet, look for them! They are funny! Back to my story: The last time I went out to a bar was in Hollywood with my buds from Los Angeles and Brian from Collapsing. Anywho, I'm not sure if I wrote this or not, but I was so drunk that night. Completely wasted. I had this grand idea of buying a bottle of goldschlager (pardon my spelling) and doing shots. Those went down fine, even my first few drinks at The Well were fine. Dave (one of my friends) got me a Manhattan. It killed me. I then somehow managed to have a cranberry and vodka and then a gin and tonic after it. I didn't feel anything that night, I didn't even feel drunk. That is, until the next morning where I felt terrible (just overtired and big headache.) You don't appreciate anyone's hand/foot prints when you felt the way I did. Walk of fame my ass.

Did I mention that I loved LA? Just kidding.

Hmmm, what should I do this weekend?


The three plant trip is officially over.

Alot of us stayed up way too late last night to watch the rock and the roll, but it was worth it. I suppose..... (kidding)

The world is going a little crazy these days, but I guess that it always is in some way. My sister is moving back to Kansas and both her and my parents can't wait for her not to live in madison anymore. so we'll see. hopefully she does better this time around. learn from mistakes? is this possible?

friday's are good and so are chinese buffets. but above all, sleeping is better.

Thursday, February 21, 2002


Oh no, disaster.

Bitch. That's what I feel like doing. Hmm, that sounds bad. I don't want to do a bitch, I just want to bitch about stuff. Open mouth, enter foot.

After doing a print viewing this morning, I felt super inspired. I wanted to grab my camera and shoot, shoot, shoot. Now, I'm in a pissy mood. Some people.

I'm going to go home.

Wednesday, February 20, 2002


Okay, lets just get one thing straight. You have never been anywhere until you have been to northwest Arkansas.

But seriously, I am almost finished visiting my third and final manufacturing plant. I can't say too much about this place. Everyone here is really nice. I flew direct into northwest regional arkansas airport or something like that (its not listed by an actual city), and it feels like you are in the middle of nowhere. but not for long. soon you enter the enterprise that is known as wal-mart. yes, this is sam's country.

apparantly Sam wanted to build the first wal-mart on the other side of the state but they were not interested so he came here to Rogers/Bentonville. and now they are huge and laughing. suckers.

glad to hear that Jen is getting better and to see that Greg has made his triumphant return to the blog.


Tastes like. . . burning.

Isn't that a good name for a band?

Back on this goddamn mac, which means so perks (ie bold, italics). boo to stupid macs.

I have my voice back, which is definitly cool. I'm still coughing a lot, and I'm cold today. wah, wah. I know.

I have only been in school less than two weeks but still have shitloads to do. For Digital Imaging, I basically have to recreate the face on a guy known as "retouch man." I've been working on him all morning. I'll probably have dreams of retouch man before this project is over. Him and his distorted evil face. . .

I also have to get a presentation together of all my previous work for my grad seminar tomorrow. I'm going to do the whole thing on power point. I don't really know how to use power point, unfortunately. Fortunately, my wondeful sister does, so that is where I'm headed tonight.

I'm getting off this lame computer. Hopefully I'll be back before the week is over.

Tuesday, February 19, 2002


What a way to cut lengthwise.

I am so sick. boo.

I was supposed to give my first tour at the museum today, but I lost my voice. It's here, but I can barely project to the person next to me. That's what coughing for four days straight can do to you. Oh and maybe the stupid high fever that I had too.

Yup. So instead, I am typing up this excerpt on the Chicago Fire. It looks like we will be having some sort of photo show on that in the near future. See how great this job is? I can give everyone insights as to what the museum will have up! Do you care? Probably not. OK, let's continue.

I haven't seen Becky or Greg for at least two weeks now or maybe more. I kinda miss those two, in a sick and twisted way. No, not really. That's just the medicine talking. What's that? I took medicine? Yeah, I had to. I was dying.

Oh, god, this blog is terrible. Sorry.

To see what I look like, on a normal and happy day, check out the Vegas pics section on the BLARG of our favorite guys from Normal, IL.

Ok, back to the fire.

been a long time . . .

i am officially the worst blogger on the block. in the neighborhood even. sometimes i make myself cry.

speaking of crying, me and beck watched field of dreams. last night. that movie makes me weepy. i have some sort of un-natural obsession with baseball and that movie seems to wrap it up so nicely. i wish i could play ball every day. i need to buy a new mitt. anyone wanna play catch? let me know.

this weekend was me and beck's anniversary extravaganza. we have officially been dating for two years. although that may seem like an eternity to some of you, and a cup of coffee to others, it's been a fun time. to celebrate, we got a hotel room less than 4 blocks from my work. fortunately the view of my building was blocked by mies van der rohe's beautiful IBM building. we ate raw oysters and steamed crab legs and shaw's crab house and ended up arguing politics in the house of blues bar. a great evening.

i have my ticket for the death and dismemberment. do you?

i kinda miss amplified to rock.

i can't believe i just said that.

jenn is sick. i don't know when she's coming back from the dead, hopefully soon.

i'm gonna go daydream about playing second base.

Friday, February 15, 2002


I'm back in city and ready to rock. (for a few days that is until I have to to to Arkansas on Tuesday) I'm working on my drawl so hopefully it will be ready in time.

This good news is that I love our presidents for having a "day" and causing me not to have to go to work on monday. yippee! and like my entire family was going to come down tomorrow to go to the auto show (not a fun place to walk around with 8 people) but it fell through and although I love them very much, I am looking forward to relaxin to the max. now I just have to figure out if I want to send my grandma the scarf from Talbots or keep it for myself. (but what do you really do with a scarf?)

Glad to hear that Jen had fun in LA-how long until you want to move out there too?

ps-I hate to harp on valentine's day, but last night was pretty funny cause we went to flat top grill (thank god early cause it was a madhouse there) and their thing to do on such a night is to turn off all of the lights and give you flashlights to light up the buffet to see what you are going to eat. luckily I've been so many times I already knew what I wanted (mmmm...thai bbq......)

Wednesday, February 13, 2002


I can see why you'd want to live here.

Back from LA!!! and back in school too, with a new job. So yeah, it's been kind of crazy around here.

I have tons of stuff to write about my trip, but because I don't have computer access like I used to, I can't write as much. I even tried net zero again, but I think there is something wrong with my modem on my computer at home. Hopefully Pat can get some work done on it this weekend, and then the blog will look somewhat normal again.

I think that Brian (I can't give links on this stupid MAC, so check out the two.points. link on the side of this page) gave a run down of our cool night in Hollywood. I actually haven't read it yet, so I'll probably check it out next.

Here is a quick run down of LA. It's so beautiful. Of course, like any big city, there are shitty parts, but from what I saw, I was in love. I met some LA people too. . . Most seemed obsessed with celebrity spotting, which, for the most part, I didn't think would be a problem. I figured that if you see celebrities all the time, it just wouldn't matter.

I love Santa Monica. I love the beach and the smell of salt and fresh plants. I love how people applaude after sunset. "Earth, you rock, for rotating!"

So, as you can see, I really like it out there.

The new job is going pretty well. I'm a bit worried though because I might have to give my first museum tour next week. gulp. scary.

Ok, I gotta run. I have a slight headache that I should tend to as well. I'll be back asap.

Tuesday, February 12, 2002


Wow, we have been slackers around here, but mostly greg since he is at his job in chicago while the rest of us are travelling yet still find a way to get our blog out there.

Anyways, Hello from Georgia! I seem to have brought the cold with me so that pretty much sucks. it is pretty here, though.

This is a big plant. the have a supply of bicycles (actually they are tricycles) that you can ride though the plant with that have a big basket and a wire with a flag on top and everything.

Tonight I am hoping to make the leap into solo-movie going. I tried last night but I worked here til like 6:00 so it was too late and I had to be here at 7:30 so I didn't want to go to a late show. boo.

I really need to start travelling in slip-on shoes. I swear I get stopped for the "random" inspection every time! Mostly because they are scared of my gauge that I use to measure film thickness. it really is a weapon of mass destruction, though, so watch out!

Friday, February 08, 2002


Right now I have the Garth Brooks Dr. Pepper song in my head and it makes me sad. Why does the media and advertising get to me so? I don't even like the song! I don't even like Garth Brooks! yet I hum, sing and sort-of rock out to this stupid song.....

Guess where I get to go on Sunday night? Atlanta! Yeah! It should be nicer than here so that is good.

PS: Bit-O-Honey is a tasty treat

Thursday, February 07, 2002

Check out the blogger who never blogs anymore


So I've decided that I think that I should be featured in the next episode of MTV Cribs. Here's what you can expect:

1. An extensive tour of the 4.5 rooms of my apartment including all 3 closest and a visit from my cat, Rosa
2. A trip down to the Laundry room to look at my bike (watch out for the ice!)
3. A walk out to my 2000 volkswagon with a peak at the odometer topping 35K miles
4. A stop at Gingers, the local bar for a pint.

Wednesday, February 06, 2002

ps-we here at the OK are definitely planning on going to the death and dismemberment show and I am proposing now that if everyone is coming into town on sunday we might as well meet up for a drink before the show as there are many fine establishments in the area.


Well, I did and I didn't do it.

On a cold Chicago night it is really hard to get motivated to go to Yoga class when your yoga partner is in sunny Las Vegas. So I stayed home. But I did Yoga at home and I actually did more than just the sun salutes. I made it about 35 mins which isn't too bad cause I was doing stuff the whole time and not stopping and starting like we do in class.

This way I got to stay home to watch the Real World Chicago, which in itself is pretty lame cause the people are all pretty dumb but it was cool cause they were out in Wrigleyville really close to where some of my friends live. so I could see Hi-Tops and the Sports Corner and the 7-11 on Addison all on MTV!! Woohooo!!

I am excited because I have an elaborate shopping plan for tonight which will include at least the following:
-Old Navy for some work clothes
-crate and barrel for a lamp (for me) and whirly-pop popcorn popper (for the sis)
-Talbots (my grandma doesn't really have a bday this year cause she was born on leap year, but I thought I'd pick her up something anyways)
-Marshall Fields for dinner at the Marketplace
-other various exciting mall shops


Luck be a lady tonight.

Guess where I ended up today (yesterday for any midwestern/east coast readers)? You'll never guess where! Really, it's that different and amazing!

So yeah, once again, I ended up in the stupid casino. If you've never been to Vegas, you probably think that's all there is to do here. There really is other things besides casinos. The day started off really great. The parents and I went mini-golfing at this amazingly hard course. I even one a free game because I got a hole in one on the 18th. Then I got to see the famous "Welcome to fabulous Las Vegas" sign that you see when you enter the strip. We ate dinner at the Harley Davidson cafe which has all these cool bikes you can look at.

Then the stupid casino.

See the thing about casinos is that they rock for about 30 minutes tops. You play a game, win a couple bucks, if you're lucky, and then get the hell out of there and do something better then waste your money. So there you have it. I played a couple of bucks in the slots, made $60. and I was satisfied. But my parents. . . it's like they don't know how to stop. Ok, that's a bit much. I know they really don't go to the strip that much (at least I think they don't) and so when they go, they want to gamble. Fine. But when they gamble, and I'm done gambling, I either walk around by myself, bored, while they play more, or I sit myself at a game and watch them, bored. Two awesome choices.

I tried explaining this to them, plus the fact that when we all do stuff together it's much cooler. . . I think they got it. Oh, who knows.

I'm still going to see if we can do the Elvis thing tomorrow. I must see The King.

This may be my last blog for the week unless I can fing myself a computer to do my dirty work from. So, I guess it's LA, here I come!*

*And hopefully a visit to a blog friend too.

Tuesday, February 05, 2002


La cucaracha, la cucaracha. Ya no quiere caminar.*

Good morning from sunny Las Vegas!!

Yesterday, I had the pleasure of seeing the world's largest golden nugget, in, conveniently, the Golden Nugget Casino. 61 pounds of gold. Anyway, while looking for it, I stopped one of the people who work there and asked, "So, I hear that you have 'the nugget.'" To which he replied. "We do have 'the nugget.'" I love it when people play along with you.

My goal to keep the parents out of the casino isn't going too well, considering we had to go in a casino to see that damn nugget. If you remember from my Christmas vacation here, I spent every night in a casino, including both Christmas day and Christmas Eve. BUT, now, I have ideas and a plan. I think I can keep them busy doing cheesy little stuff, like dragging them mini golfing, maybe a little go-carting and my favorite idea yet, Elivis-o-rama, which is an Elvis museum. I'm not a huge Elvis fan, but hell, I can't pass up the chance to see his gaudy white jumpsuit circa 1970! We'll see how that turns out.

Here's my quick Fireside story. So, I went there Saturday night to see a bunch of bands, including this band Runner, which,in my opinion, kicked some ass. I'm sitting in the bar section at a table. Pat and I are getting ready to leave, and I, being the designated driver, start searching in my bag for my glasses. I'm having some problems locating them, so I start taking out objects and placing them on the table next to me. I find my glasses, put them on and proceed to get the objects from the table and there it is, a freakin' cockroach. It scared the hell out of me. And it was just hanging next to my wallet, checking out the bar scene. It wasn't small either, and apparently, not very scared of me. Anyway, this wasn't shocking to the other people we were sitting with, but yeah, I didn't like it.

*I don't even know if I spelled this right- I took Spanish some six years ago!


Hey! Good to hear from Jen! and I thank you for all that you have stolen for me. It means alot.

So I'm thinking about doing some at home yoga practice tonight, even though I will miss yoga for the next two weeks due to my lovely travel schedule. It's hard to get myself over there without Jen. As I like to say (or greg likes to say), I'll have to make it a "game time decision."

My friend Eric is having a Mardi Gras party on saturday-greg will be playing a show so watch out!

The summer of weddings has officially started (at least paying for it has) total so far (this is for both my sister's and friend Janice's)

Monday, February 04, 2002


Your time has come. Your day is done.*

It's officially over. So here I am, all worried that I would come back from this lovely trip that I'm on to be very unemployed. Lucky for me, I found out that I got the job at the MofCP, or as it's know by most, the Museum of Contemporary Photography. Bring it on!

Becky!!!! I hope you are ok now!! Ice sucks!

Here is a little thought: I cannot go to Ginger's Ale house without stealing something. Friday night, we went there to celebrate the quitting of old job and hiring at new job among other reasons to go out on a Friday night, and low and behold, I have a new bottle malt vinegar in my red bag. Thursday night I went there for a pint and walked out with a new pint glass. The time before that, I took salt and pepper sharkers for Becky. Do I have a problem or does Ginger's have some sort of power over me?

The weather is awsome here in Vegas, so I don't want to spend much more time on the computer. Hopefully, I'll chime in later. Remind me to tell you about the show I saw at the Fireside Saturday night. . .

*June of 44, Information and belief.


Blogger update:

Jen is on vacation (las vegas, california, you know, the usual) lucky

Greg is at work, but mostly asleep right now due to his rockstar weekend in downstate Illinois

I am very sore right now. Do you want to know why? I fell on the ice twice yesterday while attempting to get down the stairs to my laundry room. The first time I dropped 2 loads of laundry on the ground (luckily it was dirty) so I was so embarressed that I rushed to pick it all up before I could realize that my elbow was all scraped up and bloody. I think I only got blood on a few items of clothing while I was loading it in so that is good.

the second time I fell was in an attempt to avoid the large patch of ice by going down the stairs from the side. At least I landed on the other side of my body. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry at this point....

Time to call up future-brother-in-law, the worker's comp lawyer.

ps-thanks Zook for pointing out "Carl" in that commercial. I was going crazy trying to figure out what he was from. Its just oo bad he wasn't wearing the striped pants.

Friday, February 01, 2002


Well well well, here we are at friday and what a week its been. I've been up, down, sideways and around the block. I am ready for the weekend!

Northwestern medical school variety show tonight? bring it on.

congrats to Jen on her last day of work and good to hear that the interview went well.

Drawing a Blank hits the road this weekend but I will be in chicago with all of the lovely lovely snow.

can't wait to see britney's new pepsi commercial on sunday, not to mention the new movie. wow.