It's like this and like that and like this and'a
Good news! Wilco tickets go on sale tomorrow at 11, so you know where I'll be: giving my first born over to ticketmaster.
Well. last night's reception went very well, and my ants on a log kicked ass. I was so surprised how fast they went. When I brought out a new tray, heard a girl say, I don't know what these are, but they are really good. Um, shocking news, but they happened to be made from celery, peanut butter and raisins. Pretty much anyone can make them. Wow.
We also got to hang out with our two favorite artists again at Rainbo. It's was a good time and definitly not alot of drinky for Jen
Nate, Gant and I leave for Milwauke in about an hour or so. I'm taking Nate up there because he is leaving to go to Florida with his family. Gant and I are planning on hanging out in the greater Milwaukee area for most of Saturday. Did anyone say Garage Sale?
Greg is officially out of this state, flying somewhere over our country, on his way to see Becky. I'll be in charge here for a couple of days, and I'll be cat-sitting little Rosa. Next week will be a little calmer, and probably a little more uniteresting. Actually, next week I'll be all over someone's shit regarding my grade. Not so uniteresting after all. . .