I am so bad. I bought the camera. I'm a fucking photographer, right? I need a camera!!!!
Becky and I went shopping for cameras Monday night, and I thought I found the digital camera that I wanted. That is until I went to Central Camera on Wabash and found an even better digital camera. It cost a bit, but it was worth it!!! The battery is charging right now, so I have to wait until I can play with it.
There's something about buying a new camera and then bringing it to work with you. Ok, maybe that only happens when you work in photo related job. Everyone wants to play with it and take pictures. Woo hoo! I am so excited!!!
Only an hour and ten minutes left of work. I have to get back to the mailing list, even though I really don't want to deal with it. I know that a bunch of people have off today (namely the two other bloggers here. Or should I say, Becky, who blogs all the time and Greg, who never EVER blogs because he is too busy surfing the internet and NOT writing) and I'm at work, so I have this feeling of ultra laziness. You just can't shut down a musem for Good Friday/Passover. Or other holidays that other normal businesses get to shut down for. It doesn't happen.
Ok, time to get more work done. Next week: spring break!!!!